Bradley University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Bradley University!


What caught my eye about Braldey was that it was a medium sized campus. It had all the features of a campus setting except it felt more close knit than a larger university. I like the fact that it is only about a five minute walk across campus. I really liked the friendly vibe on campus. Bradley felt more lively and more welcoming than the other universities I visited. Bradley was the only university where the tour guides bragged about how close of a community Bradley was, and that it was truly a home away from home.


Bradley is a close-knit community, and everyone is willing to help each other out. Classmates, friends, professors, RAs, etc are all there to help you at all times if needed. It is the perfect size to be continually seeing people you know while still meeting new people all the time.


It's small class sizes, accesbility to professors, and it really is a bonded community. Also, financial aid was the best out of all the schools I applied to.


Its a small campus but has enough kids to not feel like your in high school, but not to many that you are just a number.


Great financial aid. Good facilities for a small school. Very close environment


Something unique about my school is that it is a small campus. Therefore the students get more individual help with the teachers and academic advisors. And you pretty much know most students who attend the school.


It claims to be "middle sized", meaning it has all that a bigger school offers, but with the individuality and one-on-oneness of a smaller college and I would have to agree with them on that counrt.


Was closer than the other school.


Size, Class Sizes, Finanacial Aid offered, overall campus culutue, small, private, non-religion based...


It is located in the third largest city in Illinois (Peoria), yet it offers a very family-like atmosphere.