Bradley University Top Questions

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I think the best part about Bradley is its size and location. There aren't many mid-sized, non-denominational, liberal arts schools in a good, mid-sized city. I think that's what sets Bradley apart from other places and is what drew me to it.


One thing I never liked with Bradley: the internet isn't so hot. Web browsing and such... just fine, but file downloads and gaming are simply kaput. If you play WoW, that seems to work, but any other multiplayers lag so bad it's hard to play. Find friends to play on a LAN, other than that you're going to have to deal with it for two years if you're a gamer.


Come and visit and we'll show you a good time. :)


Don't get drunk and play with fireworks - you might just kill your friend. But hey, you'll only get 6 months in jail.




I love Bradley University.