Bradley University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Bradley University!


Bradley is a great school, but the decision making is leaving out the freedom of choice. We don't need faculty to make decisions for us.


Disregard anything about how campus life and drinking can be negatively portrayed. A few accidents have occurred at Bradley University that have resulted in the deaths of two students. This is becoming more of a political move rather than a safety move. Students at every college will party and when alcohol is involved accidents can happen. Since Bradley is located in Peoria and is very close to some large attractions, it is just more likely that accidents will occur. Know your limits but dont be too scared to go have some fun.


I love my time at BU and wouldn't hand back a moment of it!


Bradley focuses mainly on freshman students or those who live in the dorms. If you transfer then you kind of get left out unless you make yourself get involved, once you do its worth it.


Bradley is great, but should be better.


i love bradley


Decent school, not the best. Will be different environment if coming from a diverse city.


Right now the Bradley administration is trying to abolish alcohol misuse and abuse (the underage drinking). Honestly, you cannot stop the underage drinking. If people want to drink, they will. Bradley implemented and extra fine with extra consequences if you receive drinking tickets at school. The only deterant that Bradley has is monitary fine since students usually don't have a lot of money to start with.


Watch out for task force, they are undercover cops that pose as students to break into houses and stop parties, they will ticket everyone and I doubt you have $400 to give to the city (willingly). Our new alcohol policy is very strict so watch out, you can check it out at The greek life is award winning and AMAZING. I won't say which house I am in but I highly recomend especially for men to go through rush, its informal and you will get loads of fun from going greek. Bradley is a non hazing school so don't let movie sterotypes detour you


It's an okay school. I'm not a very social person, I don't listen to top 40 music, and I don't drink, so I feel a little alienated, but I do still have friends within my major. If you really want a competative, ivy league, "classic" college experience, you won't find it here. But if you're just looking for a place to get your 4 years out that has a good reputation and a wonderful staff, you've found the place for you.