I wish that I would have know how to study better, I find that in high school classes were easy and I nvere really needed to study. But now I really have to know how to apply myself.
I wish I would have known how hard college was going to be. In high school I breezed through my classes and got good grades, but I never knew how to sit down and actually study. When I was a freshman at BYU I had a hard time adjusting to really learning how to study hard. I am in my junior year now and it has become easier to study and get good grades as I keep attending this school.
I wish I would have known how to write a good paper. How to study and skim chapters as to be able to get all my reading done that I had to in the short amount of time that is allotted. I wish that I would have been prepared to not be that "perfect student" anymore, and realize that I was going to be stretched and taught way beyond the capacity I ever had before. I wish I knew how much I was going to grow while attending college.
Before I came to BYU, I wish I would have known what to prepare for, not just academically, but emotionally and mentally as well. The atmosphere of college is extremely different than high school and you have to learn to be independent and responsible for your own education. Going to college is a big step in a person?s life and moving out of your house to a completely new place, having to now live on your own, as well as be a full-time student is challenging; especially because it happens all at once for most.
I wish I had gotten a better grasp of what I wanted to do. I wasted almost a full year taking general electives. I wish I had looked into the programs before coming and gone to some of the orientations for the different majors. During the first few weeks/month there are a lot of opportunities to learn about the different programs BYU offers, but I was too distracted by living on my own for the first time in my life. I didn't take advantage of that, and if I had, I could gotten a jump start.
I wish I had known how far away my on-campus housing was.
I wish I knew how many opportunities there were here for me. I had no idea the extent of classes BYU offered. This semester I have finally taken advantage of some of those classes but learning how to scuba dive and country dance - not at the same time.. I also wish I knew more about their study abroad programs. I just got accepted into the New Zealand study abroad and will be spending winter 2010 in Invercargill. More than anything, I wish I knew how to cook when I fist got out here.
I wish I had known about the various activities and intramural sporting events that I've discovered since I've been here. It would have been fun to be more aware of more of these and how I could get involved in more of them.
I wish I had known my study habits a little better, so that I could have adjusted easier to the harder course load.
Prepare yourself emotionally and mentally for an environment that is very different if you did not grow up in Utah. People are a little more harsh and picky/judgemental. The educational, however is amazing! And for what you pay per semester it's a steal. You have to work hard, but there are a lot of fun activities offered to help you release your stress. It's a great school! Study hard!