Brigham Young University-Provo Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


You should bring warm clothes.


I wish I knew how difficult some of the classes were going to be, so I could have avoided them.


I wish I had known about all of the diversity at this school! It is one of the most amazing things about it. Granted, I came from Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, which is made up of pretty much only white people, but down here in Provo, there are people from all over the world! Mostly Asia and the United States, but other ethnic groups too. It was a bit of a culture shock for me at first, but now it's not so strange to be walking to class and to hear another language being spoken.


How to study and actually know information and not just memorizing facts.


I wish I had known how easy it was to find your niche and basically instant because of how nice the student body is.


I wish I had known that I could rely on the professors and teacher's assitants to help me in my work because a lot of students do and can.


Before attending Brigham Young University, I wished I would have known the severity of financial and departmental reprocussions for pursuing a double major.


A better grasp of my goals in life. A clearer idea of my career path. Better study habits. I wish I would have studied more with less professors, but with more classes with each one as to devlop closer relationship with them.


I feel that I was pretty well prepared for my college experience here.


I wish that I would have known more of what I wanted to do major wise so that I wouldn't have wasted time finding what I liked to do. Although I didn't know what I wanted to do when I arrived at Brigham Young University I was able to gain more knowledge in different areas of expertise. I do wish I would have felt more comfortable with going to teachers to ask for help. But I keep learning and growing so it is great.