Carlow University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Carlow University know before they start?


Make sure that you chose based on academics and not partying, but keep inconsideration that you may not get the total college experince by doing so


College is not only about the grades and education, it is also about the life experiences that one has while moving through the transitions and choices that are made while living it. It is important , I believe, to step outside of your comfort zone, and not take the "easy way out" when it comes to college choice. Going away to school gives so many life experience opportunities that may not be available to you otherwise. Choose somewhere far from home, learn to make new friends and live in a new place. It really makes all the difference. Once you do choose your university, GET INVOLVED. Being involved in campus activities will help you make friends and memories that will last a lifetime. College is really an opportnity to find yourself, learn who you are and what you want out of life. Academically it is important to know your learning style and time management skills. College is fun, but also hard work. Dont ever loose sight of the big picture and the goal that you are striving to fulfill. Take full advantage of this unique time in your life to explore YOU because it will be gone before you know it.