Case Western Reserve University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Case Western Reserve University?


Case is more focused on academics and therefore most of the stereotypes of Case students are related to that.


They are nerds, people only major in engineering, have no social skills.


Case students are stereotypical nerds, work way too hard, play too many video games, never go out to parties, and are socially awkward. Case is a very difficult school where students have little free time besides their studies and where humanities are looked down upon while scientific/technological/medical professions are praised.


The big stereotype is that everyone here is nerdy or computer-obsessed World of Warcraft players.


Dorks, smart


All Case students are 'nerds' and the only good programs are in engineering.


The stereotypes about Case is that it is a cut-throat environment where the workload is intense and challenging. The students at Case are portrayed to be intelligent, determined, hardworking nerds with no social life.


we are nerds/ geeks


Nerdy, quiet, smart, socially awkward.


A lot of people would say that Case is intense and Case students are nerds. Recently, I've heard there's too much programming at Case - some people whine that there's not enough to do; other's say there's too much!