Case Western Reserve University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Case Western Reserve University?


Some of the most popular stereotypes: CWRU = Case Women aRe Ugly, that Case is full of social rejects who just sit inside playing World of Warcraft all day. That Case students don't go out, and do have fun like a "normal" college. Case is full of engineers and premeds. We have a bigger workload than notorious schools like MIT, CalTech, the Ivies, etc.


1. The women and men are ugly 2. Everyone is a Nerd. 3. Cleveland is a shitty place to live. 4. Lots of Indians (dot, not feather)


nerds and videogames


One stereotype that stands out the most is the general attitude of the student body. Every person at Case at one time has studied none stop just to get the grade so they could get into Case. Nothing has changed about their personality and many of those students continue to think they need to study all the time or their grade will not be perfect. That being said, these students rarely get involved in other activities and it in turn minimizes the diversity of many of the extracurricular groups and activities because you have the same few people doing wearing many different hats.


Case Students are stereotypically nerdy and geeks. They sit in their rooms all day playing world of warcraft, halo, and having LAN parties, never socialize, and never get outside.