Case Western Reserve University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Case Western Reserve University?


Common stereotypes about Case and Case students in general is that Case is a school with a heavy science and engineering focus, which for the most part is true. There are also a large amount of pre-med students but they also lean towards the science majors. Case students are usually recognized as "geeky" for the most part. Some students are slightly socially awkward but for the most part, many of the students just have heavy work loads and spend a majority of their time focusing upon his/her field of study.


There are a lot of stereotypes about Case and Case students. When I came in, all I ever heard about was the typical Case kid. The description was of anyone who, on a Friday or Saturday night, would be found playing video games in their room alone all night. A "typical Case kid" is extremely awkward and has a great deal of difficulty in social settings. The most prominent stereotype about Case itself is its general "nerdiness" and massive amounts of work.


dorky, unsocial, inappropriate social skills, etc. etc.


That we don't have fun, don't go out, sit and play video games, are all engineers...


Studious, nerdy, boring, depressed.


Complaining is a favorite past time for many students who wish that fun and enjoyable activities would just show up at their door.


They are all engineers, they are all losers, the girls are all ugly, they are smart.


They are reclusive, anti-social, grade obsessed, awkward nerds.


The stereotypes about Case are that everyone is really nerdy and anti-social. I've also heard that people assume that Case is full of really ugly and studious people. Case as a school is associated with hard-core studying and stress. Adults usually refer to Case as a top ranked school that focuses mainly on Engineering and graduate studies and that's about it. People also seem to think that Case is in a "crappy" city aka Cleveland and that it is really dangerous.


the biggest stereotype about case students is that we are all a bunch of nerds. and that we are really depressed.