I like the Greek community, we have a lot of fun.
The most popular groups on campus i think are the fraternities and sororities and the sports teams. In the beginning of the year i think people in dorms leave their doors open a lot to meet people in their hall but as the year goes on there arent as many doors open. Athletic events are really popular, especially the football games in the fall everyone goes and tailgates and goes to the games. Guest speakers are popular sometimes depending on what the topic is about. I met my closest friends through my sorority. A tradition that happens every year is Central/Western weekend which is usually a big deal for everyone. I think greek life is important to people who are in a fraternity or sorority but I wasn't greek until my sophmore year and during my freshman year I didnt think that being in a sorority was that important but now I dont know what I did before being part of a sorority. Last weekend I went to my sororities philanthropy event, went to a social with delta chi and hung out with my boyfriend and sorority sisters. If you dont want to drink on a Saturday night you can go bowling, go to the SAC, see a movie, rent a movie with friends.
There are a lot of things to do around campus that bring people closer together whether it is a hall picnic to a Fraternity or Sorority philathrophy event.
There are many ways to get involved on the campus. There are several registered student orginizations, I am sure there is one for everyone to find their nitch on campus and way to get involved.
The social life at Central is amazing. Living in the dorms, you always have someone to hang out with, then by the time you move off of campus, you have made so many friends from living in the dorms, that there is always people to hang out with. Combine that with joining a student organization and you never have to worry about being bored. Thursday through Sunday night are nights for house parties or to go to the Pub or Wayside no matter if you are 18 or 21. On Tuesday's, if you are 21, O'Kelly's is the place to go. Besides party life, there is always events going on, pick up basketball games at the SAC or open mic night at Kaya (one of the local coffee shops) so even though Central is in the middle of the corn fields, life is always fun.
Last weekend was Mock Rock. The final event in Greek Week and I had the best time ever! Being able to dance in front of hundreds of people was great. It was one of the greatest weeks ever being able to socialize with all the other sororities and fraternities on campus in all the competitions.
Greek life is very big at CMU
Some people leave their dorm room doors open
Football games are very popular at CMU, not so much for other sports
I met my closest friends through becoming part of the Greek community here and joining Delta Chi
Every year we have Homecomming, Reggae Fest, Career Fairs, etc.
People party quite frequently at Central
Fraternities and sororities are very important at CMU. Our greek life is quite popular on our campus.
Delta Chi fraternity is among the more popular groups, along with Sigma Kappa sorority. The towers residents often have their doors open. There are always great panel discussions put on by the Speak UP Speak OUT series. There is always a great list of events going on put on by the hall councils, that really appeal to those students who would rather not drink on a Saturday night.
Intramural sports teams and RSO's are very popular at CMU. Its rare to find a student not involved in one or the other. I met most of my closest friends in the dorms my freshman and sophomore year. My current boyfriend I met through a friend at a fraternity party last year.
I love being greek although this is not a majority on campus.
Big Brothers Big Sisters is a great way to reach to kids
Pre-Medical society really helps prepare you for med-school if you put the time in.
There are so many different activities including sports teams, ethnic groups, theater, comedians, SAC, restaurants, coffee shops, and so many more things to do. Central sends out things that are happening over a list serve so you can be updated about things going on around campus. Plus, the news paper is always a good place to see what's going on!