Central has a great variety of options and groups to join- i'm in a sorority, where I've met tons of amazing people. The campus is always bringing great speakers and entertainment to campus.
most of the time in dorms, if you are on a friendly floor the doors are open to get to know people but the best way to find your group on campus is by doing sports or going greek. I am in a sorority and i dont know where i would be if it wasnt for them. another thing a lot of people do is join organizations for their majors.
Some popular groups that CMU has to offer are the greek life, IM sports, clubs that are related to majors and future careers and many leadership programs. A particular program that I'm involved in is Leadership safari which prepares students for success at the same time making them aware of what the real world is going to hold for them. I personally love this program because it gives new students a chance to look at their own personal image while creating bonds with other new students and also helps students become famaliar to the CMU campus. For the most part, athletic events are pretty popular with the most popular event being football. Weekends at CMU consist of studying and going out. In general, CMU students work hard to play hard. The people that i'm peronally close to live by that motto and to us academics is the first priority. Partying is a big aspect of student life but there is also so much more that CMU has to offer. A weekend can also be spent at the gym, going to the casino, hanging out with friends, going to the movies or theater, or going down town to just hang out.
i think alot of people are involved in greek life. there are many different activites people can be involved in and they are easy to find
Football is huge at CMU. It's the one sport that CMU is consistently enthusiastic about. We do have some interesting events that happen at CMU. I personally enjoy the comedic stand-up shows that come to CMU. This Friday I will be attending Jim Norton. In the past I have seen Jim Gaffigan, Stephen Lynch and unfortunately I missed Jim Brewer. Those are some pretty big acts relative to the comedy world. Though I have not been impressed with the selection of musical artists that have come to CMU in the last couple years (including Lil Scrappy and the upcoming One Republic/Fabolous show).
I think Greek life is very popular on campus. They are very involved and always have different things for you to do.
Some dorms have the reputation of having their doors always open. I live in Barnes and we are relatively a small community of only 160 students and we have our doors open all the time. However when one goes to the towers, he or she will find that almost all the doors are closed because it is hard to get to know 400 people in your hall rather than just the 160. I am involved in Sigma Alpha Epsilon and it is a social fraternity. We are composed of the male leaders on campus and strive to be True Gentlemen in our daily lives. We are not the typical frat. and we are called a Fraternity of brothers because we are dispelling the stereotypes of greek life. We do not haze and have a no tolerance policy on this unlike some greek organizations here and around the U.S. People usually party thursdays and saturdays with fridays as their day of rest. However there are many alternatives to doing these activities. Many nights there are events around campus going on, video game tournaments, athletic competitions, contests or speakers that students can go to to have fun.
Football games and tailgating are a blast. So much fun and good times are had in that parking lot. Fraternities and sororities can play a major part in someone's college career. I think they are given a bad name, but in the end, it's something you will never regret. The experiences and moments you have with your brothers you will never look back on. It's just something hard to describe until you go through it all!
Pretty interesting.
I think that IM sports, club sports and Greek groups are the most popular, whether its social greeks or some sort of co-ed fraternity. I think a lot of students go to athletic events but they aren't as popular as they were in my high school, we have a lot of guest speakers, in classes and not in classes. Dating is big, a lot of people date within their groups, like Greeks date other Greeks but a lot of people also just date without a group. My closest friends are my sorority sisters and a girl from my leadership safari group. If I'm awake at 2 am on a tuesday I'm up talking to my boyfriend or watching a movie with him. People that do party I think party like a few times a week, not that much though. Sororities and fraternities are very important I think, I am in one and it helps a lot with everything. Last weekend I participated in Mock Rock for Greek Week and studied. On a saturday I stay in and watch movies with friends, go out to the movies, go bowling and different things like that.