Central Michigan University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Central Michigan University know before they start?


Throughout life, I have been told that college is different from what I know, it's extremely serious in the workload and my whole life’s success or failure is based on the passage of college. To some extent this is true however; college is more than books and essays. It's more than endless lectures and balancing classes with work and friends. College can't be taught on a white bored or online. If you think about it, from all that i have mentioned, college is not too different than secondary schools. Therefore, the experience and the value of attending college I have received has simply came from the ability to learn with those I live with and the ability to live with others before living on my own. The ability to make connections and form groups of voice and change that was not as strong or existent before. It’s the ability to become independent, make choices and become aware of bills as I handle situations like the adult I learn to be. College is still a choice. More and more people choose to pay for college, not just for the degree, but for this experience.


There have been many things I have got out of my experience. It's been a long but very fast 4 years. I have made friendships that will last forever. I love my friends from home, but nothing compares to your college friends. It's almost like a different friendship meaning you living with these people, you party with these people, you go to school with them. You're constantly with these people which also helps you realize a lot of things. Living with people makes you learn patience and the ability to share experiences and feelings. You develop a very close bond with them. Also, college opens your eyes to the diversity and uniqueness in the world. There is so much out there that we don't know about and we need to know. Going to college, especially away to school, makes you experience situations that maybe you would have never experienced. Of couse, I also learned the value of an education and the value of money. Spending thousands and thousands of dollars may sound ridiculous but in the end it will be worth it.


WIthout college I wouldn't have much of a future. It helps me to achieve my dreams and form the life I want for myself. I want to be able to give my future children and wife the life they deserve. Most importantly I want to give my mother what she deserves for being there for me every day, helping to pay for my education, and giving me the chance to make my dreams come true. She is the reason college became a necessity for me. She stressed the importance of going to school and I'm glad she did. College has been a lot of fun and hard work. You meet mew friends and learn how to live on your own. You make decisions, good or bad, and live life. To me, that is what college is all about.


I’ve retained a lot so far. Prior to me attending college I had a lot of questions: Why this? Why are things this way? Why things aren’t this way? College has helped shape my perspective of the world. It has also made me socially conscious of the world in which we live in. It has also strengthened my cognitive ability and desire to make a difference in the world. Far as value, yes, I would say very valuable. Although the accumulated debt that you inherit, sometimes out weight your paycheck, education is priceless. It opens your mind to think, discover and conquer.


Animals are the love of my life and always have been. Therefore, when I was in high school and was told to decide on a career, I picked veterinarian. During my senior year, I was in the Running Start program at Lower Columbia College (LCC). I took Intro to Biology with Carl Roush. He reopened my eyes to the world of biology. My mom and I researched what I could pursue in this field. That's when I found Wildlife Biology. Now, I am at LCC working towards a Biology degree. After I acheive a biology degree, I plan to transfer and continue studying biology. I love the atmosphere that has been created in all of my classes. The same people that I study with have become my friends and people I call when in need of company. We all have a similar goal. We just want it for different reasons. Teamwork is introduced and used everywhere on campus. Almost every class I have been in at LCC has had a team assignment. History, English, Spanish, Biology, and Chemistry have all been very instructive, well delivered classes with teamwork assigned. Overall, I really enjoy the LCC campus, teachers and experience.


So far my first year of college has been nothing like what i expected. My classes have been interesting and engaging. My professors have been available and ready to answer any questions that I may have. Along with great academic experience I have met so many new people that I would have never met if it wasn’t for my choice of attending Central Michigan. I will walk away with a large amount of knowledge and great memories.


It has been 30 Yrs since I have been in school. I was afraid to go back to school, but once I got started at Intellitec, the instructor were very helpful. If I needed help writing an essay paper they would help me. I wish now that I would not have waited so long to go back to school. I was a C student in H.S. and am carrying a 3.9 GPA right now, so it has really boosted my self-confidence. It has shown me that with a little work and devotion I can succeed at something that I have had a desire for since I was a young boy.


During my three semester at Central Michigan University, I have experienced the different between high school and college. I've realized that in college, I actually have to study in order to pass my exams and there are no excuses for not turning in work. Besides the school work being harder, I have met some of the most amazing people. My freshman year, my roommate and I became very close and are now best friends. We are still currently rooming together and next year, plan on living together in an apartment. By going to college at Central Michigan University, I will have great job opportunities in my future and will be a successful woman who will enjoy everything she does.


I have learned so much from just my first semester at college. I have grown more confident in my abilities to achieve the goals that I have set for myself. I am more able to talk and get along with new people who come from different bakgrounds. I have developed long-lasting connections with the people I have met on campus. Moreover, I have learned to push myself out of my comfort zone to experience new opportunities which I most likely would not have done without going to college. For example, I ran a 5K sponsered by my colleges's triathlon club. In addition, the classes which I am taking are preparing me well for graduate school. I am confident when the time comes to send in my application for graduate school, I will be accepted. My college experience has been unforgettable, and I look forward to furthering my education next year.


I have become a leader. A bigger leader than I thought I ever could have been. I have participated in many conferences and leadership programs that have made me who I am today. Something unique about Central Michigan University is the Leadership Safari program. It is the first week before classes start where all the incoming freshman move in early and they are separated into groups that let you get to know upperclassmen early on in the year and your peers. Everyone is always nervous for college and Leadership Safari is something I think many more school should adopt on their campus. I currently am in the midst of starting another Registered Student Organization on campus for Love146, an organization to end child sex slavery and exploitation. Central's campus is so inviting to new leaders and it makes you want to get out and be involved with as much as you can!