I would tell myslef not to worry about the things that are not going to matter tomorrow. In high school, you tend to get caught up in all this drama that isn't going to affect your life. I would also tell myslef to be more orgnaized. Being organized in college is a huge. It will help you out a lot.
I would tell myself to relax and be myself. Living away from home is not an easy transition for some people, and I was one of those unlucky few. I was so focused on trying to make friends and fit in, that I forgot who I was and who I wanted to be. Having friends is important, but if they don't accept you for who you are they're not worth being around. I would also tell myself to not be afraid to speak my mind more. Because it can be hard for people to get to know you if you never speak your mind.
Going back in time and seeing myself as a high school senior, from what I know from completeing one year. I would tell myself to remain focused on academics and whatever you need help with in class. Go to the tutors because sometimes you can't do everything by yourself. Youalso may be nervous about transitioning from high school to college but the transition is easy and you will make a lot of friends over the time you are there. The main focus you need is on your education because in order to be cable to stay in school. You need to keep on looking for scholarships as well as maintain the ones that you already have and lose them like I have. Remember what dad always says," Work before you play."
I would tell the Mission High School senior Amanda to be more disciplined with her school work. I had to learn the hard way in college, and now that my foucs is in fully disciplining myself to study and get my errands and work done. If not, then I usually end up falling behind. The college life is wonderful, yet with it comes hard work and one needs to be focused in order to complete the rest of the sememster. As far as the transitioning goes it was tough, juggling bills, projects, family, friends, and life. It's a bit overloading, but the end result is very rewarding because you can take a step back and look at yourself and see the accomplishments. You can see how your dreams are coming to life little by little. It starts with that one step, then that one choice, and then the leap of faith. Either you take the chance or not; how will you know unless you try. Knowing what I know now about college, discipline is the key to stay ahead. Do this and for sure you will be able to get great things done for yourself and for your life.
Push yourself to take harder classes. It will only help you to make it through college easier. Take atleast two years of Spanish, not just one, and take it the first year you get to college so it is fresh in your mind. College is very fast paced, and it is very time consuming. It will not be a walk in the park. Apply for freshman scholarships. Paying for school is very hard, and the loans do not cut it. I promise. Take all the writing prep courses possible in highschool also. It is very necessary to have good writing skils.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to prepare better for college. I would tell myself to learn to prioritze and organize better and set realistic goals for myself. Study harder and study material that isn't only covered in class or on study guides and to learn how to study properly for each class. Sometimes one technique doesn't work for all subjects. Take the initiative to study in further detail. I would also tell myself not to take too many difficult classes the first semester in college, but to take the first semester a little easier and learn what college life is all about. College isn't like high school. I would also tell myself that it is okay to ask for help and to get the help needed sooner rather than later. Sometimes later may be too late for that semester. Lastly, I would tell myself that although it is very very important to study and work hard it isn't necessary to stress out too much and it is also important to enjoy college life.
If I could go back and talk to my high school self, I would say that college life is not like everyone says. It is not all parties, but a lot of work and effort. I would tell myself that the first week will be the hardest, but I will get through it and will love everything after that, including you. I would tell myself to get your work done and not put everything off until the last minute. Had I known this before, I would have gotten a lot more sleep. Lastly, and probably the biggest thing I would say is that people are going to come and go in your life. If someone wants out, let them go, and if they come back, it won't last long. I would tell myself that everything happens for a reason and holding onto things to stop them from changing will not be worth it. Let it go and move on, you will be a happier person in the end.
Learn how to manage free time wisely. In colege you get a lot of it and think you have so much time on your hands to do whatever you want, and dont ever end up getting what you nee to done. I wish I would have not become such a procrastinater.
I would tell myself to go for it!! College will be tough but you are tougher so you will make. Don't wait it will be the best descision you will make. I f you don't you'll regret!! Having a career will allow you to have control of your future. It will be alot better for your children. It will give you the faith that you can do anything and become anyone. No controling husband, no prison, just a job you'll love, because you will be helping people. Exactly what you wanted to do., and always dreamed of doing. Stop the dreaming and make it a reality, the sooner the better.