Central Michigan University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Central Michigan University know before they start?


Once I entered college, I was able to realize that college life is totaly different from high school life. In college I was forced to become independent from my parents, who have done literally everything for me. I was never dependent thus I had a rough start the first days of my college life. What I know is that I can make a living on my own without the help of my parents, but when I need them I know they will be there.


I attend Cuyahoga Community College and right now am pursuing an associates degree of applied science in Human Services. What I have gotten out of my college experience is not only growing up and maturing, but also the knowledge to create the future I want to give to myself and hopefully to others. To have empathy and an open mind for others is something I think I had but the proffesors I had/have made it come out more by showing me how to express it and what I as an individual can do with it to help someone . Not only the professors I have and continue to meet, but also the people I have met that I have classes with have become not only friends but probably long time connections to helping me help others. The reason why it has been so valuable to attend is simple, its because I want a future, and my future starts with attending college. When I learn something new I can't wait to try and implement it in real life. It is valuable to me because I get to know that I get self satisfaction as well as satisfying and helping others


College is THE resource to get a job, hence it has been very valuable to my life. I have grown as a person as well as a student. I am going into the psychology field after graduate school; so everyday in class I learn how to help people. I think that's an amazing skill to have and be able to do in life. I want to better other's lives by understanding them and being able to help one in his or her situation. This is what Central Michigan University is helping me become and teaching me how to influence other's lives for the better. I know that I will not be able to touch everyone's lives that need help but being able to help at least one individual makes me feel good about my career choice in life. Central Michigan University is helping me get closer to my career goals each and everyday.


I think the easiest way to answer this question is to say that I learned how to live on my own; independently. That would be easy but not sufficient. It's not a specific enough answer. It doesn't give anyone a good sense of what I learned at college. So, while attending college I learned how to manage my money. I had to do my own laundry at the laundry mat, pay for my own food, and pay for my own gas. I couldn't take a spring break trip or buy the next great video game because of what I really needed the money for. I also learned how to get involved. I've done two community service activities and got involved in campus activities to get out there and break my inclusive shell. I've met some interesting people and experienced some great things, such as comedians, leadership camp, and siblings weekend (as a non-sibling participant). I also attended an interesting "My dog knows calculus" presentation. Yes, I learned how to live on my own but it's more than that. I learned valuable life skills, broke out of my shell, and learned money management.


My college experience has encouaged my growth in acedemic, social, and financial areas. In acedeme, my classes at Central have been very discussion orientined. These classes have forced me to think through problems and not only understand facts or possess opinions, but also develop strong reasoning skills to answer questions and solve problems. In the social wold, Central has provided me with countless opportunites to experience something outside my comfort zone. I was abe to participate in Leadership Safari, walk in a Martin Luther King Peace March, attend Slam Poetry competitions, and even experience a Drag Queen Show. All these new experiences pushed my limits, introducing me to new people and new opportunies along the way. Attending college has also introduced me to the world of finances. Paying for college has been a definite challenge and has taught me the value of money and the hard work it takes to make it. College has helped me grow so much in the past year, I can only hope the next few years are as life-altering as the first.


I have a lot of goals and I see college as my gateway to achieving those goals. i have a strong passion to get involved in psychology because of the personal challenges that I have gone through. It is important to me that childeren have love and stability in their lives. But there are many that don't I want to show the underprivilaged chileren that there are people out there. Just like my teacher in high-school showed me. I have not yet attended classes yet. I will however be moving on campus by the 14 of August.


What I have gotten out of my time at Central Michigan University is a lot of leadership experience. Being involved in Central Michigan University's Leadership Institute as a Leadership Advancement Scholar, I have been subject to leadership camps, speakers, clubs and organizations, and even the faciliation of leadership events on campus. Protocol from my Leadership Advancement Scholarship requires that I participate in two or more Registered Student Organization's on campus, attend at least one leadership-related speaker per semester, hold a leadership position in one of the organizations or clubs I am involved in, as well as put on a leadership-related event on CMU's campus. Thus, involvement on CMU's campus is highly encouraged, even if you are not involved in the Leadership Institute. However, most students are! In fact, the Leadership Minor is the largest minor at CMU! Overall, CMU and CMU's Leadership Institute have allowed me to become actively involved on my campus, as well as improve on my leadership abilities.


The college experience has been wonderful for me. I came from a very dysfuntional home and had financial struggles my entire life, so coming to college opened my eyes to a world full of opportunity. I not only am aware of the infinite options I would have for my future, but I get constant support. I have learned to be responsible for my own actions and my good grades are a result of a newfound version of time maintenance. It has been very valuable, to say the least, to attend a University because I am developing the knowledge and skills I need to create a better life for myself. Since my father passed away following my junior year of high school, I was determined to take the most out of a college experience and do that seriously.


My first year college experience at Central Michigan University has made me discover many new things including finding a new for the arts, making new friends, and learning how to live on my own. I feel that at any other university I would not have been able to learn and grow as much as I have. Central is a remote school, basically in the middle of nowhere, where many students all have the same belief that they wouldn?t attend any other university besides this one.


i have learn alot of things from my college and iam still learning. i have learn to give quality care to my patients at work. i have learn to value and treat each human being with dignity regardless of race, color or ethnicity. iam handling different cultures lifestyle, learning them in order to accomodate each invividual culture in my care. each human being has unique way of handling or dealing with their day to day crisis, i have been trained to to treat each person in ways that will make that person feel appreciated. i value what i have learn and my desire is to learn more.