Central Michigan University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Central Michigan University know before they start?


My experience at CMU prepared me for a teaching career. I was on hiatus from teaching for many years, but am ready to return now. It was a wonderful feeling to discover that, although my degree is not as "fresh" as some, I was able to pass three Illinois state teaching proficiency exams with flying colors! I am still in contact with many people I met while I was a CMU student. I have wonderful memories of my classes, professors, and of dorm life. CMU helped me become a responsible adult with a lot to give.


I have not had the privilage to attend college yet. I am trying to apply for scholarships and financial aid to be able to do so.


I've made friends at CMU who are like another family to me, supportive and fun. I've learned to have a more open mind, and accept and respect people who are different then me instead of judging them for their beliefs, race, or sexual orientation. I've learned just how valuable music education really is to our school system, which makes me even more passionate and excited to become a music educator! The experiences I've had both good and bad have taught me lessons, and shaped me into the person I am today; and I would not change that experience for anything.


From the time that I started attending to now, I have grown so much in many aspects. I have found that at college one is not taught, but taught to teach himself or herself. Coming from a very small school with a graduating class of about fifty students, attending a huge university such as CMU was truly a culture shock. I grew up in the country and with such a small school, one could really get to know teachers and friends with little to no effort. College has taught me to be self sufficient and to also be efficient. It has been valuable to me because I know that in the job fields that I want to go into, I will be my own motivation. Not only will I have to push myself to succeed, but I will need to be efficient and do quality work. Dentistry is the field that I am interested in and the career that I am pursuing. CMU has many events that relate to diversity and expanding one's mind to new things and people. I feel that this is a very valuable experience and will help further my career goals.


I have learned self-disicipline and that if I set my eye on my goals, I can achieve them. My school has also taught me to never be discouraged my bumps in life and they will always be there to help through complications I may face while in college.


I have received a great education and a life lessons. I can never regret any education, because it has taught me so many things I would not have taken upon myself on my own time. Life lessons, that just comes with the package. I have had the most stubborn, ignorant professors that have tested my patience and I have had the kindest, challenging professors that pushed me forward. I have had counselors that lead me in the wrong direction academically and I have had two advisors who got me out of the disaster that was created from the others. When most of us go to school, we're just getting out of high school, just learning our limits in life and how to grow up. It is a huge change for the better and for the worst...the journey is what has been important, not the destination. However, I hope my degree leads me to an amazing destination!


My college experience has allowed me to grow as an adult and to learn many important things. I have become a better worker, learning to manage time more efficiently and by becoming more self reliant. I understand more about responsibility and why it is important to take charge of yourself and your goals. Things will not just happen on their own without you putting your best foot forward and working your hardest. College has opened my eyes to many new opportunities.


So far, the best thing I have gotten from my experience here at CMU is meeting the International students. I made many friends with them, one being my roommate, I learned a lot about their culture and also how similar they are to us. Many of them moved back after the end of the semester and it's been a bit different without them here, so they have made a huge impact on me and how my first semester started off. I still remain in contact with them all and will continue to do so in the future.


When most people look back on college they remember the great friends, the great memories and the great parties. But for me college was a place where I grew as a person, truly found out a lot about myself and began my life into adulthood. To finally be able to be out on your own and making your own decisions is a huge part of the learning experience at college. Being miles away from home you know your family is only a phone call away but you begin to rely more on yourself and the other around you to get through. College is the experience that has truly prepared me for the rest of my life in the real world. The responsibility, the lessons in communication with friends and also professors, it has prepared me for everything I have experienced since leaving school in 2004. Since leaving college I have learned to value all of my experiences that I had, they have all made me into the successful person that I am today.


The most valuable thing I have gotten out of attending Central Michigan University is a sense of worth. It is definitely not what I expected to gain from college, but the feeling is overwhelming. In high school nothing challenged me and I was bored, it was rare for me to really enjoy material I was learning no matter how challenging the class was. Now that I am in college I love my classes because I know it is helping me achieve my goals. I feel empowered and in charge of my future. I have even decided to take more challenging classes, including another foreign language, to make me accessible to all students. I also love how in college it is easy for me to get involved in the community through different groups that will help me in the future. I never expected to feel this way about college. I came into this school and was blown away by everything I can do for my future and am constantly trying to make myself better so that I can be the best special education teacher possible.