Central Michigan University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Central Michigan University know before they start?


Step up and do it. College is not an easy feat to accomplish and should also not be taken lightly. It will affect your life and what you can make of yourself, so persevere and make yourself proud!


The first thing I would tell myself is to definitely learn how to study. Study skills are a major part of the college survival kit. Also, I would tell myself to learn to be more adaptable, and also have my time management skills ready in my back pocket. Something else would be to stay active after high school and to lead a healthy lifestyle. Amid a college schedule, and lifestyle, healthy eating and physical fitness may fall to the wayside, but should definitely be kept at high priority. Lastly, though I do hold this skill, I would suggest that I learn more about my parents financial situation, how school will be paid for, and other issues regarding school, and take hold of more responsibilities before leaving for school. When at home, parents are physically there to help through situations, but when away at college that isn't the case, so knowing how to be responsible is important. With these skills I feel that I would have been able to be a more successful college freshman.


I would tell myself to research more. If I could go back, I would definitely tell myself to learn more about scholarship opportunities, as well as learning more about the school I headed for. I would have also applied to more schools. It is always good to know more about anything; the more you know, the further you go. I would tell myself to get involved. Getting involved in anything and everything makes the transition to living on your own, in a new place, easier. If you get involved, you meet more people, and you learn more about yourself as a person; you learn about what you like and what you do not like. But if you never get involved, you will never know. So basically, take chances, get involved, and make the risks that just might change your life as you know it. It's a good thing.


I would tell myself to work hard in high school dont take the easy way out and also to play sports and be more of an outgoing person. There all many more things i could say to myself but personally deep down i would do it a different way to try and change my outcome in college and how people thought of me at the time. To Be Honest i wouldn't want to go back it made the person i am and i learned many things about myself that i am glad i did to become a better person in society. So this is what i would tell myself and also that college life is going to be fun.


The most important part of transitioning yourself from high school to college is knowing how to manage your time effectively. Also, make sure you make use of all of the tools and help the college offers to help you succeed.


I would tell myself to not be worried about what was to come next, but to take every moment as an opportunity to learn something new.


I would tell myself to learn how to study and write quicker. I would say "Laure, you are smart obviously you know that. But don't be hard yourself when you get to college. It's a whole new world and you can reinvent yourself. You don't have to be the person you were in high school. You don't have to conform. You can be you and in college you will figure out what being you really is." I would give myself a couple tips on guys main, "Not every guy you meet is gunna be a sweetheart, most will probably be jerks. But don't let that hold you back. You are beautiful and you know you just have to let others see you for who you are. You don't have to hide from the world." Then I would say, "Live life. College is amazing and you are going to love it. So enjoy it and make connections. HAVE FUN!" I would also say, "FYI don't talk to Ethan, it'll save you a whole lot of heartbreak love." Then I'd say goodbye and goodluck.


I feel that if I had the change to go back in time , and give myself advice that I now have I would change a few things. First and foremost, I would tell myself to go to college with a determined mindset. I would remind myself that there are always people who you will not always agree with. However, understand and respect their opinions. Another thing that I would remind myself of is to just be youself, relax, and if a class discussion, give your imput. Don't sit back and let only the opinions of others be heard. Rather speak your opinon as well. Don't just study to memorize things for a short term period until the test, rather learn those concepts and truely understand their meanings. Above all things, have fun, determination, and a will!


Try to stay focused your freshman year of college. The transition can be rough but you just need to stay focused and remember what you're there for.


The advice I would first give myself is to make sure you stay focused no matter what the surrounding environment is. College has its ups and down but you have to make the best out of it, for it is what you make of it. College is not cheap, you should begin saving up ahead of time and also look for a job on campus or off campus before school starts. Lastly make sure you utilize the services taht are offered to you on campus as well as stay involved on campus.