Central Michigan University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Central Michigan University know before they start?


Choose a college environment where you feel comfortable. If you walk onto campus and immediately feel it is too big and scary, or too small and intimate, do not go there! Chances are that feeling won't change. Look at what schools have the newest technology and or ideas about your field. They will most likely be caught up in the world and willing to share the knowledge with you. If you are undecided as a major, go to a school that has many options so exploration can be done. If a school has a reputation for being a party place, then it probably is, so choose accordingly. Wherever you choose, remember that everything in life is best in moderation. Party, have fun, live it up while you're still young...just don't over do it. College is a place to learn, so study hard and achieve your goals...then celebrate them on the weekends! Get involved, meet new people, step outside of your box and become a part of the campus whether through a job or organization. Being a part of the big picture will make college feel like home.


Advice that I would give to incoming college students would be to keep your options open and explore campuses. In order for students to make the right choice that they wont regret later, they should explore all the options available so that they realize what it is that they want. Furthermore, I would recommend seeking financial aid from other sources than just the university. College is expensive and the funding that schools provide is not enough. Fianlly, I would recommend that students go into college blind; students need to break away from their home ties and going in blind and getting new roommates is a good way to go about doing that.


I would look closely to see if the program you are looking at is offered at the school of your choice and look to see what that program has to offer you. If you don't know what you should/are going to major/minor in, look at each school you are interested in and see what programs catch your eye. Then look at each program and find out the details; make sure you find something that yoiu are more likely to stick with. Even though you can change majors, it will cost you more to switch both in money and time.


First of all, go see the colleges you might want to attend. You can tell alot about a college by just looking at campus and talking to current students and/or faculty. Students and staff are valueable resources for general inquiries regarding college. Next to get the most out of college life, live on campus with somebody other than your friend. Living with a friend is great, but living with stangers is a great experience that you can take with you after graduation. Another way to get the most out of college is to get involved in extracurricular activites. Not only do you meet new people, but you get exposed to new ideas and broaden your horizon.


Make sure to visit campus and ask LOTS of questions. Also talk to current students, NOT just the campus guides, but students walking around campus. Make sure to ask them what the REALLY think about the campus food. Explore the surrounding apartment complexes for future housing. While on campus see if you can look into more than one dorm. Check out the resturants in town, and see what other towns/cities surround where campus is. Take a look at the list of student organizations and try to get in contact with the person in charge of one you might want to join. Most importantly, when walking around campus make sure it is a place you feel comfortable and like you could be able to find your way around easily. Also be sure that the campus gives you the right vibe and enviornment when you get there. Possibly try to make a few stops to the same campus, one with the tour, one without.


college is a experiance that you will never forget. make the most of of it, you think four years is long they will fly by before you know it. There is that saying that you only live once so live it to the max. learn as much as you can . make as many friends as you and they will make your experiance even more exciting. get involed on campus, it a great way to meet people and to build your resume for after college when you apply for jobs. Enjoy the last few years of being young and restless because when college is over than comes the real world and that is exactly what college prepares you for is the real world.


First and foremost, I wish I had a recent college grad give me some advice about the upcoming years. I'm certain the advice that person would have given me is the same I am about to give: please don't rush into your decision. There are so many variables when choosing the right college that most tend to get forgotten; things such as expected monthly payment for student loans upon graduating, what kind of vehicle would be most suitable, which types of apartments best fit in with my goals, etc. Had I given it more thought, I probably would have chosen to sell my car, for example, to pay for a semester and actually get exercise from a bike. The first years of college are a blur consisting of alcohol, fast food, late nights and a rough introduction to college studies 101. So many days are bombarded with the thought of, "Is class going to be important today?" and "How am I going to pay for all of this?" A step back mixed with some extreme throught will go the longest of ways to a high school grad; the analyzation of pre-college choices is crucial to ones' sucess.


My advice for new college students is this: College is full of opportunities for new experiences, new friends, and new endeavors. However, it is important not to be overwhelmed by all the new freedoms you will have living on your own free from parental tyranny. You're in college for a reason, and that reason is to get a degree and get a good job. College is way too expensive to flunk out of. Depending on where you go to school, you (or more likely your parents) will be paying tens of thousands of dollars per semester! For that money you could buy a new car, start your own business, or go on one hell of a shopping spree, so don't waste it. If you are not serious about school and getting an education, don't waste your time and money, because if you aren't, that's exactly what you'll be doing. Have fun, try new things, expand your horizons, just make sure you can still make it to class. Good luck.


Post secondary education is the stepping stone to growing up and building a successful life. Carefully choosing the right path for you is vital to your future. College/universities are a common option that many students strive for. Focus on size and location that comfortable for you! I highly recommend you research the programs/degrees offered at this college/university as well to ensure you can find something that interests you. My number one recommendation for incoming freshman is: live in the dorms your freshman year if you can. I learned so much about campus life/activities, met lots of NEW people, and had the time of my life. Finding classes that fit your personality is very beneficial. Don?t over/under schedule yourself. Find a balance in the number of credits you take that works for you. Scheduling too many can cause stress, frustration, and even depression. However, scheduling too few can cause you to get off the path too success. Finding, attending, and graduating from college needs to be all about finding the right fit for you as a person. Being confident in you education, choices and experiences is the key to your happiness and success!


Don't just settle for a school. Make sure you pick the school that you want to go to. whether you have wanted to go there your whole life or you just found it, make sure you feel comfortable there and will fit in with your surroundings. While you are at college make sure you do your work to the best of your ability. Don't slack off and put it off until the last second. Your schooling is going to get you a lot farther than any party you go to. The world is full of opportunities and you have the chance to take one of those opporunities and change the world.