Central Michigan University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Central Michigan University know before they start?


Choose the college that feel right for you. It shouldn't matter about what the hard facts are, as long as you feel comfortable there then you will have the time of your life!


Make sure you look very closely at where you want to go because you most likely will be spending four years there. The reason being because it is costly to transfer not only because many credits wont transfer but also tuition generally go up each year and some schools lock you in for four years so when you leave you will pay the new high price.


College is about to be the most important four years of your life. You need to be placed in an enviornment where you are not only comfortable on campus but where the coursework is just enough for you to take on. Explore your options to grow both socially and academically. Whether you want to major in Business or pursue a degree in the Liberal Arts, you want a college that will fufill your goals for a future career but will also cater to your hobbies and interests. Be sure to visit your college so you can see the sports fields and recreation center if you're interested in athletics. If you enjoy music, make sure that they offer electives that you would consider taking. Last but not least, take a look around and see if the atmosphere it something you prefer. You want to factor in your academics, finances and university life to best fit YOU.


Find out all of the information that is important and applicable to you. Talk to students who attended colleges you are interested in, pick up their school newspaper, and definitely make some campus visits. Once you choose the right school, get involved. That way, you meet new people and gain lifelong friendships. If I had a nickel for every time I have heard a man or woman say, "College is where I met my husband/wife..." You can learn so much from those around you. College campuses are full of diversity and are the prime spots to learn about others. Absorb all of the information around you and live your new experiences to the fullest.


The advice that I would give students is to choice a school that fits their personality and needs. They should find a school that offers everything from quality academics , lively social life, clubs and associations. They may even what to find a school that offers post graduation support to help them find jobs or to continue their education. I can also advise that the student take every opportunity that is presented to them to further their education and make new friends and network for future contacts. College can be one of your greatest experiences in your life so sieze the day.


Alway visit the campus and make sure to apply and look at more than one school, even if you're dead set on going to a certain school, check out your options.


I would say that you need to do your research! Its important to go and visit the campus and see if the larger or smaller school is the right fit for you. You also need to research what programs they offer and extra curricular activities are avaliable as well. It helps if you know someone that went to that school. But if thats not available to you, you need to go and do a lot of reseach so when you get there it is everything you expected it to be. Most importantly once you are at college it can be hard at first, but college is the expirence you make it!


I would tell parents and students to do their research and visit the college or university more than once. They should also talk with current students before making their final decision. To make the most of their college experience, I would tell them to get involved. There is so many things to do on campus. From joining a groups, clubs, sports, volunteering, social events, etc.


go with a college that offers majors that your interested in and dont go to a college becasue thats where your friends are going jsut go with what feels right


If I had the chance to give adivce to students and families looking for a college to attend I would tell them to go during a day where students are on campus and really look around. I think that it is important to see a college in-session, rather than just trusting what you have heard. I think that checking the enviorment before entering it will allow you to be sure that you will be comofortable and that it is a place you would want to stay at for several years.