Central Michigan University is a great University if you don't want to feel "lost in the shuffle." The professors are always willing to sit down outside of class and answer any questions that you may have. There are a lot of different groups to join, and I would certainly suggest joining a group that is focused around the same career goals that you are interested in. In addition there are a lot of extra-curricular groups. Join something that represents what you want to do, where you want to go, or just fulfills a hobby that you have. All in all, my advice is to choose a college or University that suits your needs, and expands your knowledge base. Learning is what college is supposed to be all about, so that should be your main feature in a school. Check out financial aid opportunities through FAFSA because they are INCREDIBLY helpful. Good luck in making this important decision. Follow your heart, and not your friends. Choose the school that is right for you!
The best thing to do when going through the process of selecting the right college/university is to take a visit to that college/university. When you take a tour of a school you can really figure out whether you can picture yourself there or not. It just feels like home. It is also important to look at the academic programs and see what the school has to offer and if it is anything you're interested in. As much as people worry about money, it should be the least important thing when choosing a college/university. There is always opportunities for scholarships and financial aid and your decision should not be based on this.
Get plenty of brochures and information to get an idea what the school is bringing your way. Make sure the school offers the career choice you have made and look at comments students have posted about what the college is like. Go to the campus to get a tour of each college you have in mind. This is an opportunity of a life time to experience.
First of all the final decision should be the students choice and not the parents. Second, it will be very helpful to have a future career in mind or a degree you wish to pursue. From this point it is important for the student to visit colleges that have their degree of choice and communicate with older friends and family about the colleges they are considering. The student must feel comfortable and safe about their decision because at some point things will get difficult once they are out on their own whether they claim they are prepared or not. Those things are the primary things to look at. Some secondary things would be price, location, and/or following a friend. I feel that you only have one chance to pursue what you truly have a passion for and you need to go after it regardless of the price, location, and friends. You will naturally select the place you feel the most comfortable and feel you can succeed. And success is the reason you are pursuing a higher education.
Visit college campuses, and really research into the degree you want to get. A lot of schools have better programs than others. But most importantly, go with where feels right. Where you could see yourself at home. Youre much more likely to do better somewhere that youre happy.
Take advantage of scholarships. If you don't have a major picked, go to community college and pay attention to transfer requirements
Make sure that it is the students choice on where to go to college, and make sure their student has their profession in mind before attending the college. If the student doesn't know, attend a community college. Don't party too much in college, it is not all its cracked up to be, but have fun and be social. You can have a great time without drinking.
Make sure you know that is some where you think you belong. Do not let your parent, friends, family, or significant other stray you from making a choice of what you know you want because ulitmately you have to go there they do not. Keep in mind your future and what would be best for you academically and financially.
Do not make a decision on a college based on a teen relationship! Choose a school that has a fun atmosphere at the school and in the surrounding areas. Find a school that is far enough away from home so that the student is on their own, but if they need to go home just to relax they are close enough to do so. Everyone will be asked, not necessarily pressured, to drink alcohol and this something that some students will be able to control, but many will not. Oftentimes students think that drinking a lot at school does not matter. Many students suffer because they think they do not have a drinking problem however, drinking Thursday through Saturday and other times during the week is an alcohol problem and grades drop as a result. This is the time to discover oneself, and figure out what needs to be done to attain what one wants out of life. Work hard, but also save time to relax, meet people, and think about the future. The future may feel far away but college felt far away when we were freshman in high school too. Time seems to move faster with age.
Don't just pick the college that is the cheapest, it might not be the best quality school for your child's interests. If your child is undecided in a major, send them to a liberal arts college, that will help them become well rounded. Then they can hopefully fall into something they enjoy.