When it comes to picking a college, you want to make sure you find the one that is right for you. If sports are your main focus, then look for a big sports college, same for any other subject. If art or teaching if your main focus, find a school that is well known for that. If you need to get financial aid or student loans to go to a school that is better for you, then do it. If you attend a college that you like and feel is right for you then you are more likely to do well and be sucessful. If you know what you want to go into, see what colleges have that major and if you arent sure what you want to major in, look to see what kind of ways they have to show you what your options are.
To make the most out of your experience, stay open-minded. Try out new things. College offers you a lot of opportunities that you might not get at any other time in your life. If you attend a college and don't think you like it, give it a chance for atleast a year.
In order to find the right college, you should take into account what college offers the best program for the career pathway you are interested in and that should outweigh athletic programs or off campus social life. Once you have found a college that meets your standards academically, financially, and socially, you can make the most of the experience by getting as involved as possible and taking your education seriously.
When I was applying to colleges, I applied to seven different ones because I had no idea where I wanted to go. When I got accepted to all of them, I was a little overwhelmed, because my search wasn't narrowed down at all. However, when I started researching a little more, I realized that it really didn't matter too much. I had chosen which schools to apply to based on generic criteria (location, cost, financial aid), and those are the most important things. I believe that I would have been happy at any of the schools, because I think that it doesn't matter where you go so much as who you hang out with. I made some really good friends throughout the last year, and consequently, I love my school. I think things would have gone the same way at any other college I may have picked as well.
As far as "making the most" goes, getting involved is number one on that list. Join some clubs and organizations, volunteer, meet people, and go to school-sponsored events. Once you have your Bachelor's, work becomes the most important thing in life, so seize these opportunities!
Look into each school extensively, don't just settle
Don't limit your possible choices to where everyone else in your school is applying. Make sure you visit all the schools in your area before deciding on one.
Choosing the right college is one of the most stressful, yet exciting, times in both the students and parents lives! The most important thing to remember, however, is that the number one reason for attending college is to recieve higher EDUCATION! It's always a good idea to check out different websites and take a variety of personality tests to help when determining what the student may want to study. This way, they are able to decide on a college based on their academic programs for those specific majors. Secondly, take a look at the population of the school, financial aspects, extracurricular activities offered, and maybe even talk to alumni to hear their personal experiences and feelings about their college years.
While deciding on a college can be stressful, it's also important to remember that your college years are often the best years of your life. Get involved with different clubs, organizations, and sororities or fraternities early on! Meet new people, and be open to other's lifestyles and cultures! Stay focused on your education, and take pride in every assignment or project you do. Be optimistic and take risks! But most importantly, HAVE FUN!