*Work hard, but don't let your life revolve around classes.
*Remember that most of what you learn in college cannot be taught in a classroom.
*Also remember that, while it's great to make the Dean's list and get plenty of As and Bs, some of the most successful people in the world didn't do all that well in college.
*Get involved and stay involved.
*Meet people, present yourself well to them, and network with them.
*Take advantage of all the services your school has to offer, including academic advising, career services, the library, workout facilities, computer labs, and so on.
*Try to take on as many leadership roles as possible. They help build responsibility - and we all know employees like responsible people!
*Create a resume early in your college career and update every so often (at least once a semester).
*Know how to write and speak well.
*Most importantly, to quote from that popular song, "Don't Stop Believing."
Pick a college or university where you most feel comfortable. One that will be easy to adapt to, and somewhere that you are sure will best prepare you for your future.
Make sure that you have looked into each and every college well with your whole family. Speak to students and professors about the university. You will be in this place for the next 4 to 5 years of your life so make sure that you see something that will make you excited to come back there time and time again. Also make sure that you look into all of the possible scholarships at that school.
Visiting the school multiple times is a must. If you only visit the school once you may get the wrong impression on the school because of the circumstances on a particular day. Also maybe sit in on a few classes and feel out the environment. Also, never choose a school to attend for one thing only. Find a school that has the full package of what you are looking for. You might end up hating the school you are attending because you choose to live there because of the greek life, but you may end up being under-challenged and end up being unhappy.
I would suggest that they go to the campus and explore it, maybe stay over night to get a feel for what the campus is really like.
I would have to say that in order to decide what college fits, you have to visit it. By visiting as many schools as possible kids have the opportunity to decide which college fits them best. I would suggest visiting all sizes of schools. From big schools like the Unviersity of Michigan to small liberal arts schools there are so many choices to make. Overally though, a lot of the schools are the same no matter if your in New York or New Mexico. Just make the decision that makes you comfortable!
While academics are essential to finding the perfect starting career, it's the community of the college that matters most when finding the right school. The area and the people, which make a community, should be a priority consideration when exploring different colleges. Academics and sports teams may bring students to pick a certain college over another, but a student isn't going to be happy and stay at that college if he/ she doesn't fit-in with the community. If a student works hard, they can succeed at any school as long as they are happy there. In my quest to find the perfect school, I was dead-set on Michigan State University, as I had been my entire life. MSU had good sports teams and they had a reputation for being academically strong. But, when I started touring colleges I really liked the campus and the people I met at Central Michigan University. My deciding factor became based on the people I met and where I saw myself living. It was the community at CMU, not the sports teams or academics, which helped me make my final decision. And, so far I'm happy with my choice.
When choosing the right college for yourself, you need to keep in mind many things. If you think the college is a good school academically, you need to make sure you are going to have a good college experience that you can look back on, because you can get a good education at many colleges. You need to look at the social aspects and make sure that you are going to have a good dorm-life, and social life outside of the dorms as well. Finding many things to be able to do on campus helps to have a good time, especially if the college isn't in a big town. Check out sororities/fraternities and see if they are right for you. There is usually one out there for everyone. Also, you need to check the location. Make sure the college is in a place that is adequate for you, because they can be worse than you think.
I would encourage high school students to do what they can to explore the major(s) they would like to pursue in college. Many people do not know what they want to do when they get to college, and can waste a lot of time and money on classes that they never needed to take. I would also encourage them to be involved in as many extra curricular activites as they can. The most important thing is to search for scholarships and apply for as many as possible while you have the time. You can't win them if you don't apply, and college is very expensive.
Visit the campus and make sure you feel comfortable, be involved on and off campus, have fun and make memories you'll miss it when you leave