Just be awesome!.
Study more and love who you are. Be a leader not a follower
I would have to tell myself stay focused on all of my class work. Give as much as I do on the track as I do in the class room. Don't stop doing something just because someone else stops. I would tell my self to understand why i came to school and rememmber that my family is counting on me to graduate. Understand that I will set the tone for my nephews to follow and I am the example that people will measure themselves by. Young men looking up to me to gain direction to be a father figure in their lives. So failure is not an option just being average is not an option. The only option is to give all that I am and that I can. Trust in God and keep moving forward no matter what because you will change the world because you want to. That the love that I have for my family will help you change the world because you will treat the world as if they were your family and that love will change them and you into the great man that you are looking to be.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would definitely tell myself enjoy life! During this short time as a college student, two of my high school friends have died. Life is to short not to live and be happy while living. I would tell myself to get over my high school depression because greatness is right around the corner! LOVE YOURSELF, Claflin University will instill confidence in you that no one has before. Hold your head high and keep God first because you will need him for long nights and decision making. Be thankful for what you have, stop worrying about what is not there, it is not there for a reason! KNOW YOUR WORTH DARLING, keep your head high and conquer all things great. Oh yea, Biochemistry is not the major you will choose, Politics and Justice Studies will be a perfect fit!
I would tell myself to study more, work hard, apply for as many scholarships and interships as possible. Also do not be afraid to ask for help because really to that because if you don't ask question they will assume you know the matterial and will go on to the next subject so ask question's. Stay active on campus be involved in clubs and organizations. Play a sport enjoy yourself but also remember why you came to college to futher your education. You have to go out earn what you want because nothing is giving to you. Time management is the key to success also.
College is a big change from high school. When I first came to college I was like this is really a big change. I really messed up my freshman year. I wasn't studying and focusing like how I should have been, but I changed real quick. I wanted to make something of myself and making bad grades would not do that. I would go back and tell myself that college is what let's you know what you gone be in life. It's a big step and it shows if your ready for the real world. T hat really is what college is getting you ready for. If you're not ready for college I don't think you should waste money and others time. College is very expensive because Claflin University is very high and wasting money, knowing you got to pay them back is not good. Make a sart desicion before you start college and see if college is for you before you waste your time and money beacuse college is not for everybody.
I would say that you should speak up more from day one. In high school I was so used to someone speaking for me or someone asking for my opinion that when I got to college I think I kind of assumed that the same thing would happen. I had to learn the hard way that if I would speak up about something that I can prevent my feelings getting hurt or my grade beinging lower than it should be. I would also tell myself to be more social from day one as well. It never hurts to be open to people because looks can be decitful and you never know what you can learn from a person. You can learn what not to do or by helping them it may help you understand people and life a little bit more. Overall, I would say not to regret anything that I have done, look at everything from multiple perspectives, and to take everything one step at a time.
If there was a time machine (literally) I would be so happy to go back in time to speak to myself as a high school senior. The advice I would give myself would be only this: I would tell myself "Jalissa you are going to be so proud of yourself. You will become a lovely, intelligent, young lady. Somehow the people you will meet in the future will empower you to never give up on yourself regardless of the situation you maybe in. They will become a part of this new reality that you have found at college. Where you will be able to keep your head held up high, turn negativity into something positive, show confidence, experience new cultures, etc. Basically, you will blossom into to a woman you thought you could never be. A woman that anyone else for that matter thought you could not and would not be at all. And you know what? Jalissa you are going to prove them wrong, blow their minds and socks off. So once you have graduated from high school and you're having doubts, remember I am proud of you and we're going to shake things up indeed.
Don't be afraid to take classes in all different subject matter. Your interests can change drastically as time goes on. Make sure to give yourself as many options as possible so that when you change your mind you aren't left wondering where to go next.
I'm SamQuinta Capers and I'm an uprising Sophomore that will be attending Claflin University in the fall. I am applying for the campus discovery survey/essay.
If I could go back in time to talk to myself as high school senior the advice that I would give myself about the experience of the college life is that, college isn't no joke. Yeah, it is a time to meet a lot of different people from all over the world but it is also a time to start looking into your future and having a career. It's a whole lot different then high school, once your in college that's when you are own your own and have to figure out what's best for you and only you. You may find a few people to get along with but there are times when people that you knew won't be there for you. The college life taught me that it's okay to ask for help when needed, there's no such thing as a wrong answer. Never be afraid to change, who you are. It's only means you are growing because you can do it.