Being here has taught me so many things. Its different being here on my own instead of being with my parents. Being here showed me how important your school work is and how not to let it go to waste because I'm paying $22,000 a year for tution to attend Claflin and you wont be able to get that money back. I want to recieve an education and become the best. This school is known for its good works and it has helped me a lot to understand the steps of becoming a visionary from Claflin; working hard and doing your best. Now I have let go of the home sickness and let the Lord led me in the right direction on being on my own in this world. I know I can make it because Claflin is here to help me make the right decisions to becoming a leader, a visionary for others to see!
So far out of my college experience I've learned a lot I didn't know. I learned how to strategize my school work in order to make good grades. It's been valuable to me because they really help me when I need it. The extra care is always there.
Makin it to Claflin University was not very easy. I had to work very hard to get here.When the Recruiter came to my school I had to first fill out the application, then I had to make sure that all my test scores were in and ready , and also make sure I had my essay to turn in with application. When I first got my test scores back I thought that they weren’t high enough to turn in for the college. After retaking the test I turn the scores in and soon I got my letter from Claflin saying that I was accepted. Now that I am here I am going to make good grades, keep a good gpa, and move on to success. I will keep good grades by studying at least two hours a day. Also to read all the material before going to class that way I will know a little about the subject before going to class. I have heard that that was a good strategy so I can understand better. Also I will do all homework assignments and turn them in on time.
My mother first gave me Cheerios when I was nine months old. Eating Cheerios can be like microsurgery for nine-month-olds, as they master the hand-eye coordination to connect thumb and index finger to dry Cheerio and then Cheerio to mouth. The Cheerios were part of a set of age-appropriate developmental tasks my mother presented to me, based on the writings of child psychologist Arnold Gesell, who wrote that eating Cheerios refines fine motor skills.I am now beginning to explore these questions in biological terms at my freshman year at Claflin. In my advanced Biology course, I encountered the work of Hubert and Weisel, two Harvard researchers who studied the development of the feline visual cortex. They showed that if they covered one eye of a newborn kitten for the first six months of life, the part of the brain responsible for processing visual information developed differently, a shift that was irreversible after the eye patch was removed. In black-and-white slices of brain tissue, they showed that sensory experience could shape brain cells. I feel blessed to be a part of a strong academic university that is continuing to built my success and character.
At Claflin University my eyes have seen much. What I have learned here is irreplaceable. Here, I have learned how to examine people. I have learned how to manage myself. Before I came to school I had an eerie perception on what college was going to be. I assumed the workload was going to be too much and I was destined to fail, but at Claflin I learned that responsibility can take you farther than intelligence. If you had 4.0 grade point average in high school, but you get to college and sleep in all your classes you are bound to fail. Yet if you come with a 3.4 grade point average and you have the work ethic of a 4.0 student you will succeed. This has been the most valuable phase of my life because I am away from home and have no one to blame for my mistakes but myself. I do not have anyone to account for but myself. When I succeed it will be because of the hard work and dedication Keiko put in to her experience, and not anyone else, simply because there is only Keiko.
College has been valuable to attend because I am a first generation student & not only am i furthering my education but I'm also learning what it means to be independent and how to prioritize. Being an independent student & not having a mother & a father to help me with this experience has been a struggle but I've learned to appreciate the good things more because I know how hard it was to make it to the point I'm at alone. I've learned that being here at Claflin University that there are so many oppertunities & that I can catch a break finacially if I apply myself to my best ability & take advantage. Having finances be a least worry will help me approve everything & be all i can be.
College has really matured me as a man. It taught me how to ask for help without feeling insecure about myself. Its taught me how to me how to be a team player as well as how to make difficult and life changing decisions for myself. The education I gain in the classrooms is phenomenal. You really feel smarter every time you leave a classroom. For me college is worth every penny, the experience and education you gain while there is priceless, the friendships are worth more than gold, and the memories are treasures that last a lifetime. I've always loved school, but I can honestly say I love college more, because it's more than just a school. You live there, you eat, sleep, and breathe in the atmosphere around you. People say that the college doesn't make you, you make the college, but schools like the one I attend actually make you, mold you, and shape you into a better all around person.
I would tell myself to follow my dreams and do not settle for anything less. I missed out on an adventure and truly being on my own. I was not able to explore career options until later because I started my family life early. Choose a path and follow it. Do not let anything stand in your way. It is only harder when you get older and have barriers, like small children to provide for. Your guidance counselors have career assessments they can help you decide the best field of study for you. They will also help you apply for colleges and scholarships.
If I could go back and talk to a younger me, I would definitely emphasis to be secure in my beliefs and convictions and to learn how to love myself just how I am. I say this because I have seen multitudes of young people, some of them close friends, come to college and struggle, somtimes fail, not because they weren't talented or capable of doing great , but because they were trying to fit in by letting their social life take precedence over their education. However, i don't believe they let this happen on purpose, bt they just weren't secure enough in who they were to be able to stand out by saying no.
If I could go back in time to give myself advice about the transition to college the first thing I would tell myself is to focus more. This means not letting things that are not important get into the way of my full time job which is getting good grades. Second in the end true friends want you to succeed they won?t hold you back. They will understand when you want to study instead of going out. And third have faith in yourself no one can lift you up as good as you can, and don?t be afraid to fail because when you are you are afraid to try.