Claflin University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Claflin University know before they start?


When i was a senior i had no clue what i wanted to do i just knew i just wanted to work in the medical field. i would tell myself to just relax and i would eventually find out what i wanted. Mostly i would tell myself to do better in my first semester and study more like i should have and made the grades i know i could have made.


My advice to my high school senior self is be prepared to study more than you ever have. In college, you have to earn your grades, not just by turning some work in and expect an A , just because you turn it in like high school. Secondly, add your professors to your friends list. When you don't understand something in class, don't let pride block your thinking and ask for assistance from them, even if you have to visit them everyday after class. The success is there but, it's up to you to go after it.


The advice that I would give to parents and/or students would be to not just go to a college just because it looks good on the outside but venture into the gates of the school, ask questions to advisors/ people who atteneded the school before, and or those that are attending the school now. When in picking a college you have to also take time out to relax, enjoy the fresh air outside!!! Don't cramp things in. take your time engage in conversations with your peers, but also remember you are there to education yourself and become that successful person that you want to be!!


The advice that I would give a parent or a student that is looking for the right college is, think to yourself can I see myself here for 4 consecutive years. Can I see myself interacting with the professors, students, faculty, and staff. As a student you would also want to think to yourself "Do I feel comfortable and safe in this area?" Your parents care about your safety and you should too. However, make the choice that is good for your life. Also, make sure the College/ University has your major. Make sure the College/University cares about you as a student, and not as a number. Make sure the college cares about your stay there as much as possible. Claflin as assured me that they want me to be there, and as a result I want to be there as well. I care about my education, and they care about providing me a quality one. So, think about all the factors and possiblities when applying for school and involve your parents. Trust me it will work out for you!


do your research!


The advice that I would give parents and students when finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is to focus on the educational background of the college. Researching the schools educational background helps because it allows you to see exactly what is being taught at that college and maybe even how it's being taught. Taking in consideration of campus activities is another helpful tool when looking for the right college. College is not all about just getting an education; having fun and enjoying college is what makes it joyful experience.


I would tell them that when looking and searching for the best college, look at what oraganizations and cooperations would have to say about them. Go and visit and learn as much as you can about each choice and make sure to ask as many questions as you can to get the real feel for the school. Parents should remember to always support their child's desicsion no matter what/ where it is.


First and foremost, the student will need to pick the best college that will be the most comfortable for them. They will need to make sure the college has academic accredidation, athletic accredidation optional. They also will need to make sure the college has a good program for their major. Touring the college is necessary to be able to know what they will get out of the college. But most importantly, do they think the college is right for them? If the answer is no, they will not be able to focus and will eventually drop out of college completely. But if the answer is yes, they will be able to learn all they can on their specific major of focus and it will be applied to its fullest once they graduate and have a successful job.


I would say make sure to do your research and make sure this school is set in your heart wanting to attend this college or university.


Do not decide the college based on things you have heard. Actually go to the school and ask questions. When choosing a major, do not pick the obvious lawyer or doctor just because thats the most common. It takes a lot to run the world, and there are many different majors that can lead to a successful career. In order to get the best experience socially, be sure to try your best to participate in many activities which will not only help you learn more about what your school has to offer, but help you find like minded friends.