If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior i would tell meself that college is not as terrifying as evryone makes it sound! I would tell myself to get involved in campus groups and activities right away! College clubs and groups are the best way to meet new people and get connected with your school. There are many types of clubs available, just find what suits you! Next, I would tell myself to not be afraid to ask questions. The faculty and staff at your school are there for you they want you to ask them questions when you are confused about a student loan or other paperwork, so don't be afraid! And lastly, I would tell myself to save my quarters, the laundry machine will devour them!
Since I have been enrolled in college, I have realized that although it is never too late to go back to school, the opportunity to get an education is something that no one should pass up. There are a myriad of scholarships and grants offered to students who qualify. Financial aid benefits provide assistance to mature students, single mothers, and unemployed people who want nothing more than to better their lives with a higher education. Being that I am enrolled in a community college, I have seen nearly all walks of life with a common bond: each and every one of those people are willing to work hard in order to achieve their goal of attaining a college degree. Being exposed to such a diverse group of people has truly made me realize the value of an education.
I have gotten plenty of things out of my college experience. Generally a good sense on what is expected of you if you are determined to continue on your path to your degree. I am fortunate enough to go through with my post-high school education. Although I am enrolled in a community college I still see it as a blessing, for it is nonetheless a step towards my degree. It has been a great experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I am glad I have been able to attend, learning so many new things. It opens so many other doors for me that I would not previously have open. There are so many things I have yet to learn, and I am excited to be continuing this path of higher education I have chosen.
I have loved my college experience so far and am trying to make the most of it. While attending, I have played on the women’s soccer team and sung in the Chamber Singers ensemble. I find that extracurricular activities teach time management and responsibility, but are worth-while and have provided many wonderful experiences and memories. I also work in a café on campus and I love the way it helps socially and financially. My education has taught me to form my own opinions and set of beliefs, and showed me how to be an effective member of society. I’ve learned how to work with others, grown in discipline, and had so much fun in the process. I have learned much of what I need to get a job and be the best I can be. I am an Elementary Education major and am excited to become a teacher and impact lives of young people. My college experience has motivated me to push myself and strive for excellence in the long run. I’m passionate about serving and being used by God. Any financial assistance I can get is helpful to that end. Thank you for considering me!
I have gotten great friendships, and i feel like the classes have really prepared me for the future. I have always gone to a small school so going here really keep me in my comfort zone and i like the way the school runs itself. I would recommend others to go to this school, and i no people who have attended and graduated and loved everything about it.
Through the professors and resorces available to me, I have been prepared to lead a life full of success. I have learned so much while being able to be a part of a wonderful community and make life-long friends. I love learning and growing as a person which Baptist Bible College has enabled me to do in countless ways. I wish I could learn more at the college but, because of financial reasons, I am scraping by to afford a 2-year degree. My professors have become trusted advisors and mentors. My fellow students are close friends and we work hard together so that we may help each other succeed in every aspect of life. I am ready to face the world and take on new challenges. The education I have recieved is priceless and the application to life is extremely practicle. I would make the same choices to attend college in a heart beat. Baptist Bible College is well worth the sacrifices I made to be there.
Throughout my college experience i have learned a lot of valuable information. I have learned that you must have drive and determination to make it succesfully through this experience. You must first realize that high school is in the past and no matter how bad you would like to go back, you just simply cant. One of the most valuable things about college is that you grow so much on a maturity level. I am in my second sememster and i have already learned so much and have matured a lot also, i am learning so much more about myself and who i am as a person. College is a great place to learn not only book knowlegde, but also about life itself. It has been a great journey and though i have learned so much already i know that i still have so much to learn and i am ready to take on the new challenges that await me.
Attending college is the first step to reaching my educational, and proffesional goals. I have learned companies are not interested in long term relationships; if you dont have an education. The college experience has given me options to gain financial freedom, and pick a career instead of look for a job and settle with whatever I find.
College isn't something that you can take for granted. Not everyone is privelaged to go, and it's not something you should toy with. My parents keep giving me so many chances and college is the biggest one to prove myself. It's the one thing I SHOULDN'T mess up but I currently am. It's the one chance you have to REALLY prove yourself though, and now I have to turn it around. If anything, college is not something you can take lightly. While it does seem extreme, the best thing for me seems to block out the outside world. I let people get in the way of my college experience and now I'm paying for it in everyway possible, in money, missing class, having to make up for it, heart break, etc. College isn't a joke, or a toy. It HAS to be taken seriously.
I have learned so much in the short time in have been at BBC. I have learned about relationships and living in a community of students. I have learned so much from my professors both in the classroom and talking to them personally. I have grown so much as a person from the hesitant high school senior to the confident college freshman.