Clarks Summit University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clarks Summit University know before they start?


If I could give some advice to those looking at colleges, I would say that the most inportant thing for you is to visit the institution that you are considering attending. Go to some of the classes, spend the night in one of the dorms, and ask any questions that you can about the college and student life.


First, be sure of what kind of future you want to pursue and then put all of your passion into getting that future goal. Next, find the school that specializes in the area you want to pursue. Also, try to find a school that keeps up on the current events that are related your coursework. New ideas are always being brought forward and technology is always advancing; be sure your school is at the forefront. Try to make time to visit the school before you enroll. When you visit, it will be important to meet some professors that courses that are key to your major. It will be important to get some advice from the professors about your future career and how to get there. Lastly, try to find a school close to home. Even if you do want to get away from your hometown, you will still need a place to stay when school is not in sesssion and getting back home could cost a pretty penny if you live far away. Always remember your cost for travel, especially if you do not have a car and you need your parents to pick you up.


Be diligent, search, ask questions, visit, compare the cost to the quality of the degree; but most of all, pray. The right college for you is the college where God desires you to be, and the way to find it, is to ask Him to show you. Often He answers practically through a desire or financial capabilities or good advice from others. Once you know though, go with an excited, positive attitude, get involved and balance yourself! Be friendly, reach out, smile, do a sport or work on campus (great ways to make friends). Save money by buying or borrowing used books. Go to class; do your homework-on time! Have fun, play games, watch movies, eat pizza at midnight. Your attitude is key though; it can make the difference between just getting a degree and thoroughly living your college years.