Clarks Summit University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clarks Summit University know before they start?


In order to find the right college the student needs to think about the things that they are most passionate about, then look at a college that offers courses in that area. Do not worry so much about the cost, but think about the quality of the education that you would recieve and the joy would have in learning to do these things and move on from there. There is alot of schollarships offered that most all schools accept, so this should be a problem. In order to make the most of your college experience you need to be open to doing new things.


The potential student should pick a campus that they like the classroom setting, the personality of the school and its reputation in the community. The student should also pick a school with a diverse selection of degrees because almost every student changes their major at least once. When you, the student, visit a school, if you can picture yourself involved in class, involved on campus, and literally picture yourself happy on the campus you are visiting...that is probably the right school for you!


As far as choosing the right college, I would strongly suggest to visit many colleges before picking the one you want. Students need to be sure that the college they are interested in has the major that they would like to pursue. Wasting money on a "cool-looking" campus that doesn't have the particular major is not a good idea. Parents and students need to ask MANY questions while visiting the campus and even afterwards. To make the most of the college experience, I would suggest that student needs to go and start meeting people the very first weekend. That is the crucial time of figuring out the kind of people and groups one wants to hang out with This is not to say that you must meet everyone and be friends with them. However, a student's first week on campus largely determines the outcome of his first year. Lastly, to make the most of college, the student must get INVOLVED in as many ways possible. College is a brand new place to try brand new things with brand new people where diplomas are achieved through hard work and fun times are remembered for a lifetime.


It would be a good idea for students to know and understand the rule and regulations. Also, know just what kind of college you are looking for and what kind of degrees the college has.


You need to find out what you have a true passion for in life. Once you find that out you should find a path that will help you make a career out of that passion. For the rest of your life, if you are making a living doing something that you have a passion for, it will barely seem like work. After you figure that out, start researching and applining to colleges that might have a program for you. College is expensive and until you are sure what you want to go there for, you should probably save some money by taking some general education classes at a community college. While you are at college, always remember why you are there. For the money that you are spending, you can't just throw it away by not studying and just having fun all the time. Don't get me wrong, college is an awesome experience and you make many new friends and it's good to hang out and have fun, but you have to remember to focus on academics and why you are there. I thank God for leading me to such a wonderful school.


A lot of times people go to a college because it's conveinent or it runs in the family. I don't think that this should be the only reason someone attends a college. The student should truly look into all their options to conclude where they may be spending the next four years of their lives. After deciding where this will be, new students should remember that this isn't high school anymore. College classes and atmospheres are very different from those that we have gotten use to during our years in high school. Take advice from upper classmen; get to know your profs and don't be afraid to ask questions. At the college that I attend, people care about your acedemic progress and definitely more about your the time that we have in the Word of God everyday, on a personal basis.


It really does not matter where you do your first two years, but it is those years when you will decided what is best for you.


The best thing to do to find the right college is to visit the colleges. Make sure that the student can tolerate the enviroment at the campus since they will be living there for the year. For the student, the best, yet hardest thing to do once you get to that college is balancing study time with social activities. Stay in school and focus on what you want to do for the rest of your life.


Students, go to the college you like the most; the one that you think will help you achieve what you want for your future. Parents, let your kids do what they want to do for the rest of their lives. The major you begin with does not have to be the one you end up graduating with and that is ok. Students, get involved with on campus organizations right away. It is alot of fun and you will make friends that you might not have made otherwise. Make sure you keep up with homework because college is not to hard until you slack behind.


When choosing a college it is important to make sure that you are going to the school that best fits your personal needs for your education, social life, student life, community involvement, etc. I have had the opportunity to represent my school in speaking to high school students about our college and about choosing the right college that suits them. The main thing I always emphasize to both students and parents is that visiting the college you are interested in is crucial. You can read all you want to about a college or talk to people about it, but when you actually go and experience the college and it's campus you really see and learn what it is all about. Making sure that you make the most of your college experience is truly up to you. Keep your education your primary focus, but do not be afraid to take opportunities to get involved in extra-curricular activities both on and off campus. Only fill your schedule with as many commitments as you can handle and then work around that for other things you enjoy doing. Learn, serve, and enjoy all you can while in college. It only happens once.