Cleveland State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Cleveland State University know before they start?


To explore every college they applied for, if possible to stay there for a weekend,. Take AP classes at your high school and fine the college that best fits you, not your parets, though listen to their input. Also something I didn't do but which I would have find a two-year community college, that has a two plus two program with your college of choice, this will save you on cost of tuition, mainly you complete your gen ed requirements at the two year then they transfer your credits to a four year college and credit them towards your bahelor's degree.


1) I recommend visiting at least three colleges. 2) Find out how many students are attending this college..... students per class. 3) How much will the school cost after four years? 4) Are you able to get financial aid or/and scholarship funding to help out? 5) What extra curricular activities are offered? 6) What type of interaction do the Professors have with their students? 7) Are there awards given for such things like Honor roll, etc.? 8) Does the college have a reputation of being a "party" college? 9) Is it diverse? 10) Are the living quarters safe? 11) Is the college itself safe? Sufficient security staff? 12) Is there sufficient counseling to help you with their schedule? 13) Is there a counselor on staff that can help students that may be depressed, etc? 14) Is there enough quiet space to go to library, etc to ensure quality study time?