dont settle go where you really want to go
I would say visit all the schools you can. Seeing a school and the students in person will change your mind.
I feel that it should be a big decision to pick the right college for the student. The student will be staying there the next 4 years or so. I think that the cost of school is the biggest and most important thing to consider. After school you want to have the least amount to pay back in loans, so you dont have to paying them off your whole life. Also you the student has to like the school, the people and fauclitys that you will be using specially if your an athlete. You got to believe that you can succeed there with the resources that are available.
I would tell parents/students to look into the various study groups offered and the communication between the students and faculty. I think learning as a group can add to the experience of learning while improving your social skills. The power of an entire group of minds working together can be very strong. It is this comradery that can help the individual learn, teach and ultimately succeed as a student. This may be accomplished by looking into the study areas or various tutoring programs offered at the college. The communication between the students and professors is the other very important think I would recommend looking for in a school. I feel that if the students do not have the professors available to discuss problems or class material than I feel you are not getting the full experience of the college or university. It is this interaction with the professional (professor) that can lead to being able to not only understand the material but to be able to discuss the material in a real world situation. It is this practical learning that will ultimately benefit the student when they move on to the real world.
The only advice i would give is find a campus that fixes you!
Go wherever you feel a connection. The college experience is what you make it.
Screen the school thoroughly.
You need to examine yourself and your reasons for going to college before you start your search. Why, really, are you going? What are your abilities and strengths? What are your weaknesses? What do you want out of life? Are you socially self-sufficient or do you need warm, familial support? Talk with your family, friends and high-school counselors as you ask these questions. The people who know you best can help you the most with these important issues.
Think about the people in your life who are happy and successful and find out where they went to college. Ask the same about "famous" people. You will likely find that success in life has less to do with the choice of college than with the experiences and opportunities encountered while in college, coupled with personal qualities and traits.
Very few high-school students have enough information or experience to choose a major. You need the variety and depth of college coursework to determine your interest.
I feel that good advice to students and/or parents about choosing a college would be to find a place that you feel comfortable. You are going to be there for 4-5 years and it should be enjoyable. If you don't feel comfortable then you will never be able to make friends or be happy with what you are doing and that will greatly impact your academic success. When making the most of the college experience one must understand that even though education comes first and it is the important thing there are times when you must have fun too. If you never have any fun you will be depressed and perform poorly on tests and papers and that won't get anyone anywhere very fast. Working hard at an education is very rewarding in the overall run but there are times in life when you need to slow down and take a deep breath. Whether that breath is full of warm, country air or cold, city wind its up to you because that is where you feel most comfortable and where you will be most happy.
The advice i would give parents about finding the right college would be to make sure your where your child will feel comfortable. Also, if their major has been declared, try to look for a school that is very recognized in that field, they can get great resources and wonderful networking opportunities. The student should always get involved in something that interests them, it does not have to be a sport it can be any program. Getting involved in a community is great as well, there more students give back the better they will feel about helping someone. By getting involved, students are giving themselves the advantage of having a really detailed and eye-catching resume. Most of all, students should always follow their instinct, and try not to get involved in any bad habits. By being safe and focused on their own path, students will open more doors of opportunity.