Cleveland State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Cleveland State University know before they start?


I would tell myself to be more open to new experiences. In high school I felt the need to be close with my friends, which is not a bad thing, but I wish I would have been more open to meeting people. College is more than just academics, it is a lifestyle, and the people that are a part of it shape who you are. I wish that in high school I had the same open mindset that I do now because I could have experienced a lot more.


If I could have to opportunity to go back into senior year of high school, I would tell myself to attend class more often and try to learn as much as possible instead about worring what was going on that night or the weekend. I would make sure to tell myself to network with people it make life a little easier eather as friendships of a career.


I would not let getting what appears to be a "good paying" job stop me from continuing my education. I stalled out with that job because I didn't have my degree.


I would advise myself to try to get in the habit of saving money for school and keep up a working schedule of classes and homework assignments. Especially since I'll be going to school for four years and trying to find financial aid is extremely difficult and of how how much homework assignments that Cleveland State assigns to its students. There are times where it's hard to schedule what needs to get done and I would have told myself to at least get in the habit. I would also advise to myself to find some way of trying to meet new people and to try to become friends with them. As is often with my school, a lot of people who are of the same ethnicity/race often hang out with each other and rarely hang out with anybody else that is different. And I would have simply say to myself to go to parties but not at the expanse of my education, try to go to my school's sporting events, or other social activities just to get into the habit of making new friends.


Knowing what I know about college life and making the transition in becomming a successful person, the advice I will give myself is nothing in life comes without a challenge. Imagination carries people over mountains of obstacles and I will have determination and be self driven that I will succeed in my endeavers and accomplish my goals, dreams, and wishes I have set ahead. Dare to look toward triumph; set forth to acheive it today.


As a student who has already completed a year and a half of college, I would advise myself to develop good study habits. In college, it is important to know how to study. You not only have to learn the material, but also how to apply it. I would also work on my social skills. College is about connections. The people you meet may be the ones to help you reach your career goals and become a better person. They also keep you company when you need them to.


If I could go back in time and speak to myself as a high school senior, I would notify myself about saving money for college. Usually the summer before enrollment students work to save money for dorm items like a microwave and toiletries. I would tell myself to save money for books as well as dorm expences. I will also tell myself about keeping up a mental schedule. In school, I had to balance going to class with taking care of myself. For example, If I need to clean my bathroom in my dorm or do laundry, I should keep up a schedule and do it every weekend or do laundry on Mondays at a certain time. Waking up early is benefical in college so you can start your morning off right by going to a campus cafe and eating breakfast before class. If I told myself this, I owuld have saved alot of money on books rather than asking my mother for help. The last thing i would tell myself is to stay productive. Plan for next semester and get a job on campus to help stay out of trouble and on a positive track.


There are two main things I would reiterate to a younger me. The first would be to work my butt off acedemicly, go above and beyond anyones expectations and study with any free minute I had (because that's totally what I do now). My grades in high school were average and I really wish I had done better, it would have made the things I'm going in college now a little simpler. Also, I don't have good study techniques because I didn't study much. The second message I would try and convey was make time for friends this year because the next few years it won't happen. Between going to school 5 days a week, working 2 days a week, and maintaining a relationship... there is NO free time (haha). The only down time I really get now are acedemic breaks and I don't really mind it. It's going toward a great thing; a batchlors degree in Art Education, and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world.


I would tell myself that my first semester I should really study for my classes, because I will not realize how tough it is to keep a great GPA. That I have to be out spoken to ask for help or to connect with others in my class to make our own study groups. Also to mange my time more efficiently, so I can have the appropriate time for my responsibilities. Last I would tell me to use all of my resources that I can find to make it a better experience for me.


If i could go back and talk to my self as a highschool senior I'd tell my self three things. The first being apply for more scholarships. I didn't apply fpr many scholarships and the ones that I did apply for I didn't get. I should have taken the time and effort because paying for college is hard. If I were to get more scholarships it would have made my and my parents lifes much easier. The second thing being go with my gut instinct when choosing where to attend. I love Cleveland State but I think I should have gone to my first choice. The third thing is keep an open mind. I took some pretty hard classes in the fall and the course work hit me extreemly hard. I went in to the classes cocky and thinking that they would be a breeze and I was knocked to the ground pretty fast.