I'm an adult student. I completed some undergrad work, but never graduated. I returned and am almost finished with my Bachelor's degree after being out of school for almost 10 years. My advice to my high school self would be to enjoy my late teens and early twenties; take risks, travel and do something crazy - just don't end up getting into any "real" trouble. There will come a time in your life when taking risks and being irresponsible isn't an option. Suddenly, 40-hour work weeks, fixing the house, raising a child and being a responsible adult will take the place of the spontaneous fun that used to dominate your life, and you'll be ok with that because you know you spent your youth wisely. At 20 years old, the world is yours for the taking. Go out and experience it to the fullest!
Staying focus and give it my all. Not allowing any obstacles to defer me from getting my bachlor's degree and opening my own business someday. Encourage all family members how important it is to further their education. Just from the present time I have also discovered that college classes will not decrease in tution prices so getting into classes would be the best oppurtunity for students who are attempting to enhance their education. Knowing what school is best for me before signing up, knowing wheteher the flexibilty of on campus or online (elearning) classes are best for my schedule. take classes at my pace and not getting overwelhmed by taking to many classes at once. The gretest goal that I have accomplished was returning to school after all these years and striving to complete my challenge in the next 36 months.
Don't work during the week while in High School. This messed your grades up big time. In conclusion, don't worry about trying to be cool.
I am attending college late in life, in my fifies. If I could go back and talk to myself I would tell myself to stay in school. I would tell myself not to be in such a hurry to grow up and to just enjoy life. I would tell myself to pursue a college education, good career, do a ton of research, and to really enjoy college life. I would tell myself that college prepares you for the future and it shapes you into a more diverse and knowledgeable person about the world around us. I would also tell myself that college life introduces you to friendships and mentors that will last a lifetime.
I would not any anything to say to myself as a high school senior becuase I knew about college life and everything that I had expected while in high school about college was true when I started college.
Dear Lauren of 2008,
Hello there, this is Lauren of 2014 and I writing to WARN you. I know right now you are all worried about prom and leaving your friends in a few months, but I am here to tell you that that will be the least of your worries. When you start Cleveland State, PLEASE FOCUS!!!!! It is okay to go out and have a little fun but do not get distracted by the parties, boys, and freedom. I took the freedom to a whole new level and boy do we regret that. When I first got our semester grades I could not stop those tears from falling and worse of all it made our mother cry as well, and we both now how much we hate to disappoint her. So if you want to spare yourself from all the pain, disappointment and humiliation that we are living with now, please focus and go to class. I will be honest and say that college is fun but do not let it ruin you or who we are, and I hope you are listening because I am YOU, and who knows you better than ME!!!
You :)
Lauren!!!!! College is everything you imagined and more!! It's fun, it's freedom, and it's exciting, which is all you care about right now, right? Well im here to tell me that it is also expensive. You will graduate in 2012 with your degree in Health Science and a loan debt of 45,000 and that is only the beginning since you will definitely be planning on returning to school right after that. I also know that you really want to live on campus for your first year and you will have a blast but please do not let it distract you like it did me already. I wasted my first two semesters partying and having fun instead of studying and going to class and that was my biggest regret and such a waste of money. I can honestly tell you that the thought of making new friends, staying out all night, having no parental guidance, and falling in love will cloud your mind and take over your thoughts as soon as you hit the campus, but the greatest moment was walking across the stage and receiving OUR degree. So lastly , Dont Give Up and Keep Going!!!!
I would advise myself to take my education more seriously, that the mistakes you make in your early twenties with school will follow you through into your adulthood and may affect your ability to return to school should you choose to do so later in life. College is not easy and was not meant to be easy, you have to study, not procrastinate, participate in class, care about what you're doing there and care about your future. You should always strive to do better and appreciate the opportunities that are being given to you at that time, and to not waste the education you've been given by settling for less once you enter the working world.
Dear High School Me,
Ever since your sister, Ashley, began looking for colleges to attend, you have been eagerly looking forward to the day when you could begin your own search. You dreamt about going off to college your freshman, sophomore, and junior years, and now here you are as a senior beginning that search. However, you are not going to find what you are looking for because you have worn yourself out looking for the wrong thing. You should be looking for yourself. Stop listening to what other people think, stop waiting for permission, and stop worrying about Jess. I know she is your twin sister and you worry, but she will be okay. Start blogging about things that matter to you and have conversations with your friends and even your teachers. Ask your teachers, parents, and grandparents for advice and listen closely to what they say and think critically about it. Spend time with grandpa and ask him to teach you how to tie a tie and take pictures. I know you hate cameras, but you will regret not taking the time for it. And one last thing- quit being afraid of everything.
Your College Student Self
I wish I could have done internships back when I was in highschool. I also wish I would study more and work really hard to get better grades. I should have asked for help when I needed the assistance and not pushed things off until it was too late. Stay in college, ask for help, learn how to study/take notes, enjoy school, and spend less time doing things that don't matter in life. I really wish I would have finished college so long ago before I had kids! Education is the most important thing in life! Use all of the resources that the school has to improve your grades, math and writing. Don't just "get by" thinking you won't need the information - because you do!