Cleveland State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Cleveland State University know before they start?


Stay foucused and open-minded. Begin to think about your career that will be based on your happiness and not just financially. Do not place yourself in stressful sitiuations and allow yourself to be you.


If I could go back in time knowing what I know now, I'd tell myself to never procrastinate! My biggest failure throughout my years of college so far was the provrastinating. I was too focused on the social experiences instead of school and my education. I did not pay enough attention in class during lectures and did not commit enough time on homework assignments. Also, I thought partying and drinking and hanging out with random people was the reasons for me being in college. Yet I was very wrong. I'd make sure not to take my education or my money spent on my education for granted.


The advie I would give myself is that college is not as easy as everyone says. Though the work load might be lighter, it includes a lot more effort oh your part. You don't have your teachers to depend on to make sure you get you assignments done. You have to count on yourself, you have to grow up. Also, finding friends and right school is not easy too. When you go to college for your first year the vast amount of the people are new to you. Its not like in high school where you have known everyone for years. You have to put yourself out their more to meet new people. Also, your first school might not be the right fit either. In this coming fall I'm going to be attending my third college, so it does take time and effort to find the right school for you.


If I went back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would tell myself to not worry so much about it. There is a lot of down time to rest, study, and do homework. Class is just like any high school class, only with more students. As long as you take notes and pay attention in class, you will do fine. College life is more laid back than I thought it would be and there is less to stress about until finals. The final exams are just like the other tests in class. If you study, you will do fine. I would also tell myself to relax and have fun, because the next few years will be the best years of my life.


Self you need to really think about what you want for the future. Why wait later in life to fulfill my educations dreams. I love the feeling when I enter the campus and I feel the learning environment. It also can be fun but serious. College has so much to offer. my greastest quest is to educate myself and to help educate others. To do this there are many mentors that can help me and I can learn from thier example. Go and and enroll to learn and gain experience that will stay with me for the rest of your life. Everything that you do has it's rewards. So do not be scare to move from hign school to college, This is the beginning of your life. If I make my daily attendance I will be receiving the rewards that college offers. The doors are open and it's saying come on in get your books and get your classes. I will take care of you. I have talent that that needs to be nuture. What it comes down to I need to take that first step. Kathy GO to College. Education has power to move hills to mountains


Try not to worry about the small things. It's okay not being the most popular take a breath and enjoy being who you are. You have good freinds and a loving family they are gifts that substain you. Take time to enjoy them and don't forget to study, study and study and if you need help you have it in your friends, teachers and family. Don't be afraid to ask for it.


If I could go back in time, via a TARDIS I would assume, to talk to my past self, I would have a lot of things to say. I would have told myself not too work so many hours at my job my first year of college. I would tell myself that even though it was nice to have the extra money, extra study time will prove to be a lot more valuable to me. I would also tell myself to sign up for as many scholarships as possible! I would tell myself that even though you are capabable of working really hard a job, because you have been doing it for years, doesn't mean you should spend all your time concentrating on money! I would have told myself that having a really hard job during your first year of college can be very stressful, and if my past self wants to reduce her stress that she has to not work so many hours because study in college is very important. I would have also told myself to get ready for traffic... and that some mornings, it can be more stressful than the job!


Looking back at high school, there are many words of advice I could give. Stay motivated, although there are many times you feel like getting, "senioritis," you need to stay driven, give high school your all and enjoy each day you have left. Give respect, before you leave and even while you are there, make sure you pay your respect to each teacher and staff that got you to where you are. You never know if you will see them again and you never know when you will need their help later down the road. Spend time with friends and choose them wisely. Your high school friends are the people who help shape you to be the person you are, this can go either way, either you can thrive from it, or suffer from it. Make sure you are smart in everything you do, live life to the fullest, pay respect and never give up.


If you know what you want to do right out of high school, make sure you go to a school with that degree or program. I went to a community college for two years to save money, but since I did not go to a four year university trying to transfer and get into my program is very difficult. Especially since I am going into nursing, in Michigan every school with a nursing program has a waiting list except one. I started to look out of state and I got accepted in Ohio, but now I have to pay out of state tuition! So my advice is if you know what you want to do, go to a school with that degree or program becasue it will save you a lot of hassal.


I would tell myself that I needed to take more time off after high school in order to save more money for college. I know that my career choice and college choice is the right one, but financially it is not easy. Don't forget all the things that have come easy, but remember everything that you have to work hard for is worth it! All the obsticales you will face in college will only make you stronger, and remember though your family won't always be financially sound, they will always support you.