If I could go back and tell myself anything, it would be to make sure you make the most of the time you have there academically rather than anything else because you only get one shot at it and the sooner you get to move on and progress in life the sooner you will actually be able to maintain a stable and secure future. Educaation is the stepping stone to the rest of your future. The better you do the sooner you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.
i would encourge myself to stay focoused. college is alot harder than high school and it takes a lot of time and patience. it could alos be a great experience as long as you take your time and study. Dont rush through the learning experience by taking on more classes thatn you can handle. give your self ample time to study and just take your time and stay focused. STUDY STUDY AND STUDY SOME MORE.
Apply to as much scholarships, grants, and financial need you can.
Keep my grades as high as possibles.
And don,t just rely on your high school to help you get into college.
And i must not forget take up more than two years of an foreign language.
After high school you should start college right away. Do not put your college career on hold. Taking time off is a big mistake for you. Getting your college degree is very important. Your dream is to get your bachelor's degree, work hard, and become successful. By putting this off, your dream will only be delayed and you will fall behind. You will begin to see your friends graduate and going on to great careers, while you are still in school. Don't let distractions take your mind off the goal. Keep focused to finish high school well and start college strong. Keep in mind the two things you enjoy most. You want to pursue writing and sports. This is your calling in life. Blending these two passions together will make a great career for you. Sports journalism would be the perfect way to display both your love for sports and writing. This is what makes you happy and your career choice will one day give you great satisfaction.
If given the chance to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior the advice i would give to myself about college life and making the transition may sound strange to some. I gave birth my senior year in high school and so was unsure about attending college. I began by attending this business school for my associates which in the long run i had to start all over at a community college because the credits did not transfer. With that said, i would tell myself to ignore these business colleges that commercials and internet put down your throat because eventually they will go away and a good portion of them do not get you where you want or need to go with careers. I would tell myself to research grants and scholarships and speak with advisors because they are truly your best friend at college. Advisors help you understand everything you need to get out of your college experience. I think this would help me get a quicker start.
You are responsible for your own success in life. You can not blame or thank anybody or anything for your knowledge and education. It s in your own hands, so take charge of your life and do not waste a minute of it!! It is up to you how much you can succed in life as a career and a family person. Nothing is impossible, it depends how much effort you put into it...So dream big,
never give up and use your brain and heart evryday. Good luck, you can do it!!
Apply for every scholarship that you can. Research the college you want to attend and make sure this is the college you want to attend. Make sure that you get involved with the campus activites so that you can network and be connected on campus. Also do not let anyone hinder you from becoming a success. Do not stay on campus after your second year because it will become a problem in the future. The most important thing is to make sure that you keep your head up and never be afraid to stand your ground.
First and foremost I would tell myself to appreciate the high school that I spend so much time degrading. I would encourage myself to finish the year strong, and stay motivated. I would assure myself that the transition from high school to college isn't really that hard. The one thing I would warn myself to stay in check about is letting other people get to you by disapproving of your personal beliefs. I would encourage myself to let no one falter my faith. My high school may be a private school filled with accepting peers, but college is a whole new playing field where everyone comes from different backgrounds. However that doesn't mean that you need to conform. Stay strong in being who you are, and don't strive for acceptance. The greatest achievement you can accomplish is reaching your goal by simply giving it the very best with everything that you are. There is no greater feeling than knowing that staying true to yourself got you somewhere in life regardless of what people had to say about you.
There are many things that I would tell myself as a high school senior making the transition to college life, if I could go back in time and talk to myself. I would tell myself that college is very expensive. I had a Trustee's scholarship, and I lost it due to the decline in my grade point average. I would also tell myself to make better use of the Post Secondary Enrollment Options program that I was enrolled in at Lorain County Community College during my junior and senior years of high school.
I would also tell myself that balance is very important. I was working full-time and attending college full-time when I first started college. I would tell myself that something has to change if I am going to be successful as a student, because that is a very demanding schedule. I would tell myself that it is important to make time for fun, in addition to getting my work done. I did not go to my senior prom, and to this day, I wish I had.
I would tell myself to remain involved in extra-curricular activites as a college student.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have plenty to say. I would say that even though the road to college success has many twists, turns and ups and downs and the route might seem like too much to handle, the final destination will be well worth the trip and effort.
As a high school senior, I wanted desperately to go to college but my life in the inner city of Cleveland was about pure survival and the thought of navigating the college process was too overwhelming and talking about college was viewed as being "showy". College was for "other" people, right? So, I believed that the only way I was going to make it was to get out on my own as fast as possible and start working, which is exactly what I did. Unfortunately, there was no one there to encourage me and to tell me that obtaining a Bachelor's Degree would be by ticket to a better life so if I could go back and talk to myself as a high school student, those are the exact words I would share.