The fall 2020 acceptance rate for College for Creative Studies is 47%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Finding the right college is almost certainly an exercise in patience. Take the time to plot out the pros and cons and properly weigh the situation as it essentially a balancing act. It's true that factors such as the cost of tuition and location of the school are chief among concerns, but you cannot let such trivial things prevent you from taking the path you feel is correct. It is a fine line between using your common sense and following your heart, but in the end, if nothing more, at least investigate. Even if you don't attend your first choice of schools there is no fault in having looked into it. One of the most important things that you can do as a parent or student is to make your decision based on how you feel after having investigated the school. Speak with the staff, evaluate the programs, check the facilities and read about the classes. The more you know about each school you look at, the more educated your decision will be when you make one in the end.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
College For Creative Studies is extremely hard work however you mold yourself into becoming a better visual artist.
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Describe the students at your school.
Creative, passionate, helpful. Supportive. Critical.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
Industrial Design major needs work. Teachers do not focus enough on students and need better lesson plans.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I wish I would have known earlier that I wanted to go into graphic design. I was always an artsy kid. My senior year, I had a hard time figuring out what I wanted to be in life. One day, a teacher from The College for Creative Studies came into my high school art class to discuss several programs the school offered. He also showed a lot of the student's work, and some success stories. Right then and there, I knew, I wanted to go into design. I already had the talent, why not use it?
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What's unique about your campus?
Living in Detroit, places like College for Creative Studies is a diamond in the rough. There are so many different ethnic backgrounds that pursue art my school, for example: there are people from North Korea, Vietnam, Peru, U.S, just to name a few. You might think that it would be hard for people to find there niche here, but everyone is so inviting and anyone who desires to study art would feel right at home and comfortable. So I would have to say that the diverse yet welcoming aspect is the best thing about College for Creative Studies.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
I'll barg about the experince of meeting new people and exploring the areas of Detroit. Where there's food court near the school to enjoy the art museum.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
I think a person who isn't dedicated to any type of art form shouldn't attend this school.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
The reputation is amazing. If you mention to someone that you go to College for Creative Studies they will ask to see you portfolio.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
the most frustrating thing about the school is that the professors expect you to know techniques from previous years. I thnk they should continue to teach techniques continuously.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
Fashion Design
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What kind of person should attend this school?
Anyone who loves to create and design art, cars, and fashion.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
SCAD was my second choice school, but as soon as I visited, I fell in love with it. SCAD is amazing, and the professors are extremely knowledgeable. Of course, no school is perfect for everyone, and it has its flaws. The food isn't the greatest (although it's improved a LOT since my first year), and some of the buildings are old (they renovate historic buildings for classrooms), but overall, I would highly recommend it. ESPECIALLY if you like a lot of weird artsy, nerdy things.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
SCAD is a very diverse place. We have students from all around the world taking classes here. There really isn't one stereotype. name it, we've got it. We have sporty athletes, fashion models, studious people, and many more. But what separates SCAD students from every other college is that they aren't defined by their stereotype. A typical SCAD student has interest in more than one thing so its very common to have a Fashion Model stereotype majoring in what you may think is a nerdy field (game design rather than fashion). However, at SCAD, everything is accepted here. The students don't care about what's "cool" or "accepted" we treat everyone with the same respect and it's a very friendly environment.
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What are your classes like?
Every major is different but when you first come here has a freshman, you will start off with general classes like drawing, design, english, math, etc. Once you get into your major, you start working on projects that you can potentially use for your portfolio.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
The scad work load tends to take up 90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the weekend. But if you can find time to hangout, most people will go out to eat, attend a scad club or event, movie nights, clubs, raves, etc. Especially being in SCAD-Atlanta, the night life is pretty active. So it's normal for someone to work on projects all day, party all night, sleep for a few hours, then start the routine over.
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Describe the dorms.
Compared to other colleges, scad dorms are very nice. The one i'm currently living in used to be a hotel so we have a pool and we don't have to worry about community bathrooms. some rooms are small, normal-sized college dorms but others are twice the size. Other scad dorms even offer apartment-style living with a kitchen etc.
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