When you go into college, remember to breathe. It's a scary thought living on your own for the first time, but it's a pretty simple transition. Don't forget about the young, aspiring girl, you are before entering collegee. There are going to be a lot of different distractions all around you and you can't forgwet your main focus. Don't be afraid to try new things and meet new people, it might be a moment of impact that changes the rest of your life. Also, don't stress too hard about the amount of money you're going to be owing. Enjoy the time spent there, however, if you just can't help yourself, now would be a good time to start applying for all those scholarships you've been procrastinating on this whole year. Have fun, and if you have questions, don't be afraid to ask. Everyone was in this position at some point in time.
I would tell myself that I need to put more time into my studies instead of playing games so much. But I would still tell myself to go to Colorado Mesa University because it is very cheap and a great school.
The biggest advice I would give to myself is to believe in myself more. During my senior year of high school I had no motivation to finish school and I did not care what my grades were because I never saw myself graduation from high school, much less college.. Since high school I have graduated from community college, got accepted to a University, moved across country and most importantly worked hard and earned a 3.6 GPA. Looking back, I see that I was always capable of doing well in school and doing great things, the only difference is that now I believe in myself and it is much harder for me to give up on myself. I would also tell myself that everything gets better. No matter what happens in life, no matter what seems impossible right now, it always gets better eventually. You may have to go through years of bad luck, self doubt, and hurt but one day you will look back and realize that in the big picture all those problems were small. Finally I would tell myself to stop worrying, because in the end I was going to be okay and achieve great things.
Don't take automotive & pursue a carrier in diving & construction.
Dear Younger Me,
You should slow down and enjoy your last year. I wish I could tell you that life in college is all fun and games. Remember when we thought that college was just an extension of high school? I can tell you first hand it's really not. Nobody told you that being a college kid doesn't excuse you from being a "grown-up". Nobody bothered to tell you that those big-girl decisions start as sooner than expected. Now you've got to work and choose who to hang out with. You need to decide who to date and when. Oh and the homework! There is freedom in responsibility, but not the kind you'd think. You do have free reign of your time and money, but now they need to be watched much closer.
Most of all I want you to know that it's okay to choose something you love. Don't settle for a dead-end job with money. Trust me we've tried it-praise the gods for internships. Choose a music major. It's what you love and don't let anyone tell you to settle. Money's not everything, kid.
I would tell myself that its okay to be diffrent. That i need to talk to people, don't be scared to meet people, the worst they can say is no. you are a wonderful person, and no matter what people say or what people do to you, you are the only person you should worry about. no one can change that but you.
Given the opportunity I would march up to my former self with an aplication to Denali National Park and say "Go have an adventure."
After one semester of college I took a break to travel because I had no idea what I wanted to study. I worked many seasonal jobs at national parks. I learned how to rent an apartment, cook my own meals, and file my taxes. I was also able to work and play at some of Americas most beautiful parks. I met people from Russia, Bulgaria, England, and the Phillipines to name a few. I helped make tourists vacations special.
I believe my time traveling opened my eyes to new interests I was unaware I even had. That is why I would tell my past self to wait to attend college and just have fun and explore. I would save myself a year of stress, worry, and debt.
Do not change any moment in your life for it will all add up in the end. I unstand at times its struggle making up 12 credits plus doing the 12 credits for senior year but stay focused and contine through it and you will graduate. Do not get mad about the Turn around student because it was not meant for you. You are meant for more. You are beautiful, precious, intelligent and strong woman who was created in this world to help and understand others at a fundemental level that most never achieve. As the years go on you will become stonger, smarter, and change in subtle ways where you may not even realize but others will. Do not worry about father's day, you will grow to appricate your past and heal those open wounds noone can see but you. Being a product of rape does not make you unloved. Focus on the light not the dark and you will fly in the sky. I love you and wish you the best.
Going to college at Colorado Mesa University was always my plan because I grew up in Grand Junction and needed a regular degree before continuing on in my education. Moving across the country or an ocean didn’t make sense even though I wanted to get out of this city more than anything. If I could go back in time and give my high school self any useful advice it would be to spend the money and go where I want to go regardless of being alone or broke. The last thing a student needs is to feel is that they are behind schedule; not only in school but in life too. I know everything happens for a reason but I would be a completely different person than I am today if I had left after graduating high school.
Focus! Your first semester of college is full of excitement but dont let the classes slip. You still have plenty of time for fun after working hard