Work hard, learn as much as possible and go to college. There is nothing that can improve your life as much as earning a degree can.
You are doing well in school, but you can do even better. You will get a lot more scholarships if you get slightly better grades, and worrying about your friends isn't going to help you. They are still going to like you if you can't talk to them at 2 AM. So get some sleep, do your homework and get ready for College.
Save money! Don't spend it on food that you can get for free at home! This will help you so much in college! Food is not cheap!
Always be on time, no one likes it when you are late, especially not professors.
And most of all, don't let people change you. You are awesome, stay that way. No guy and no party is worth compromising your standards.
You are loved! And you will succeed in College!
Hey dude, it's me, which is you. Try not to think about it too much. I'm gonna tell you a few - take those headphones out. I'm gonna tell you a few things you should know using the glorious wisdom I've gained in the past 4 years. Your grades aren't good, but when you go to community college, you gotta apply yourself. You'll be drunk off the freedom of being a graduate, but don't let that get in the way. Those grades are gonna matter, and it's gonna make things hard if you mess up, AGAIN. Once you decide to go to a four-year, things will be easier. You'll have a leg up on everyone else and you'll finally start to feel like you're accomplishing something. College is actually easier than high school, because you get to run the show, and you get out exactly what you put in. Get a job, but don't work so much that it affects your grades. Mom's gonna be more proud of you for doing well in school than bringing home a paycheck. Good luck. Go talk to those girls.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to make an effort to meet people at the college. I attended University of Colorado at Boulder and lived at home my first year of college. I did not know what I wanted to study, and I did not make any friends. I had a horrible experience. If I could go back, I would definitely spend more time considering what I wanted to study before starting college. I would also live on campus so I could make friends and have a much better college experience. At Colorado Mesa University, I am studying what I know I want to study, and I am living on campus. I have made new friends, and I am having a great time.
I would advise myself to strive to get better grades so that I could achieve a higher scholarship amount from my school. I would also tell myself to study more for my Calculus AP test so that I would pass it and not have to take a math course in college. I would tell myself to consider taking another language arts AP test so that I wouldn't have to take an additional english course. The most important thing I would tell myself, however, would be to reconsider wanting to major in Mass Communications and consider going to a college with more choices regarding majors so that I wouldn't have to transfer if I changed my mind.
To be more involved in College activties less partying more attention to studying and to be involved in community lfe. I would advise myself to put all effort into studying and truly achieve the highest grades possible. I would not leave studying until the last minute. I would chanallenge myself to broaden my horizons by taking classes in additon to what was required. In college I would take classes that broaden my overall knowledge of life. I would strive for excellence in all of my college pursuits.
As I am entering college for the first time, the advise I would give my high school senior self would be to look much more in depth into the colleges than I did, and to really take more time looking at all of the aspects of the college before making a decision. Although I ended up making the right decision on college in the end, I wish I would have spent more time looking at some of my other options just to get a more founded reasoning for choosing the college I did. While I have looked at my other options now, I think it would have helped to have the information and depth as a senior before I made my decision.
Apply to as many scholarships as possible. College is expensive and money is not going to fall out of the sky to pay for your college edication. Start the application early because senior year is crazy. Do community service and get involved. Colleges loves students that better thier community, but do not just get involved for college, do it out of the goodness of your heart. Try your hardest on applications, but don't stress yourself out too much. Grades are important so do well in school and try your hardest. Be the best that you can be and hope for the best. Have faith, but be active. Nobody is going to get your life together but you.
Going to college has been one of the best decisions of my life. Even though I'm only a sophomore, I have already noticed huge changes in myself. Most importantly I've learned how to live on my own and take care of myself. There are many more responsibilities when you move out, like getting a job or doing your own laundry, and it's rewarding to know that after just a couple years I'm comfortable adapting to new roommates and lifestyles and can still keep my life in order. I've also learned a lot about myself through the people I've met. I have set boundaries and follow my morals and beliefs and in doing so have found other people who respect me because I respect myself. I know in the long run college will help me in my career goals, but more importantly it is shaping me into the adult who will be able to keep that job and balance all other aspects of my life along with it.
My years in college have helped me grow in different ways. I spent most of my early years under a different education system so coming to college here was to a certain extent was an adjustment for me. I learnt alot just having to know what I had to do to receive financial aid, how to apply for classes as well as adjusting to the way classes were here. The more hands on approach that a few of my classes involved was a valuable experience for me. Learning to work with others in groups and having group discussions was also a good experience. I also feel that the community college I attend, Irvine Valley College, most of the staff and all the amenities caters to the students incredible well. Overall, my college experience has taught me to be a more responsible person and has opened my eyes to the involvement and impact that students have and can have on the community.