I would simply tell myself to focus more on studies and less on my social life. Up until my last two years of high school, I was a good student. I always made the honor roll. But I made the tragic mistake of letting my social life take over, and ended up putting off college until my daughter was in elementary school. School life would have been much easier and much more pleasant if I had gone to college and waited to start a family. Not only that, but I would tell myself that financially, life is much easier with a college education and degree than without one. Regret is a horrible thing to experience, so going to college instead of partying is the ideal route.
If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior the advice I would give myself would be to take as many Advanced Placement (AP) and Duel Enrollment (DE) classes as possible. In high school I took AP/DE Biology, DE Englsih Composition, DE Psychology, and DE Social Psychology. Knowing what I know now I would recommend taking advantage of the free classes that were offered in my high school because entering college I already had 22 credit hours, and that was well worth the work.
I would also insist that my high school self take part in the Freshman Year Initiative, or FYI program offered at Mesa. The FYI program is a helpful course that is offered and is where incoming freshman go for a week before school starts, and learn all about how to make an easier transition into college, study tips, expanding on note and test taking techniques, learning how to use different resources offered at Mesa, and much more. Having taken this I fully understand the positivie impact it had on myself and others and how much the advice that was given helped me in the long run.
I would tell myself to take more college classes to be ahead of the game. I should have taken more AP classes or college classes through the local college.
Don’t we all wish we could do this? I would say, “Don’t compromise.” As a young person fresh out of high school I was way too concerned with other people. I wanted to keep people happy or make sure I was liked. I would tell my just graduated self, be true to you. We try to follow what our parents want and also allow our friends to even have a say in what we do. I would go back and tell myself; listen to me, myself, and I. I would tell myself to do what I know my heart wants regardless if it keeps everybody happy. This may seem selfish, but it is far from. When you take the time to be who you truly are, you are a happier, more productive, and better person. You can be a better friend and individual. So I would say, “Don’t worry about every choice you make. Don’t worry about what hasn’t happened. Do love life, do live, and be happy. Do plan for your future, but allow room for your heart to lead the way. Listen to yourself and make choices that fit your heart’s desires.”
Choosing a college is important, but it is far more important to choose the correct teachers at a college. If the only class that you are able to get a seat in has an undesirable teacher, then it is better to hold off on the class. Always, always ask around and look up a teacher's statistics online.
I would tell myself to apply to more colleges. I only applied to CMU and I wish I didn't. Thankfully, I got accepted, but if I didn't, I would have been screwed. I also would have told myself that I need to work harder once I got here and I would have also said that it's not going to be easy like I originally thought. Although, I love Mesa, I would have wished I tried harder in highschool to go to a D1 school. I would have told myself that I did a good job throughout high school and I need to continue to do well in college.
Study Study Study, and READ. High school doesn't prepare you to have to be on your own, and be responsable for not only school, but life. If you could learn to be more organized before coming into college, then everything else that happens in college would be a peace of cake.
I would tell myself: "Do not to worry about the future, for the future unfolds as it is suppose to unfold. You are suppose to experience things as they come, even if these things bring frustration and failure. Your dreams of selling spacecraft to governments will not come true because you will eventually fail calculus. But this should not dishearten you, for you have real purpose if you allow events to unfold as they come to you. You must remember the words of Marcus Aurelius and his fine words on destiny and how nothing that is destined for you is to be harder than anything you are capable of. Times will be tough and in many ways the world will bear down on you, but remember that whatever comes your way is what you were born to do.
If I had a chance to go back in time, the advice that I would give to myself in high school would be,to be consistent and more focused. Education is no game and has to be taken very seriously. Join clubs, do not cut class, and ask for help when needed. Also, do not join the crowd. If you see people cutting class or doing something that they're not supposed to, turn the other way and worry about your education because in the long run it'll benefit you. Stay focused and consistent with your work, time, and dedication. One day you may feel the need to give up on a certain asignment if it's too hard, but in reality if you put your time and effort into it, it will make you a brighter student and you will eventually succeed. Finally, take advantage of the opportunities that are given. Teachers and tutors are there to help you when it seems like all hope is lost. Join clubs that interest you because what's better than doing something you love? It'll also look good on your resume. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!
I would tell myself to enjoy college life just the way I did. When doubt occurs, here is a list of people who can help you, and make a list of what goals and dreams you want to achieve, and be open to taking different types of classes. I have no regrets about the classes I took, but there are other areas where I may want to study. Do not be afraid of the classes where you feel weak. you are not weak and you are capable of doing anything youwant to. whether its science, or art, or avocational field, do not be afraid to try. You will meet a lot of people who will help you, and there is no failing at Mesa, its more of a lack of effort. You will be successful, allyou have to do is believe in yourself, work hard, and you will amaze yourself at what you can accomplish.