Some advice that I would give to parents and students about finding the right college would be to take your time and make sure you look into every aspect that a college has to offer. You may think that you want to go somewhere just because all your friends are going there, but I think you should look everywhere. To make the most out of your college experience, you need to get out there and meet new people, do new things in your life. To me, that is what college is about. I believe you find who you're supposed to be in college while getting an education and making friends for the rest of your life. College will be the greatest experience of your life!
Make sure that whereever you may end up, you are going to be comfortable and enjoy yourself. The next four years aren't going to be refundable so make sure that you are sure that you are going to be satisfied and happy with your decision. Know that you are a reflection of your school, as well as your school being a reflection of you. Make sure you are going to be okay with who you represent, and who represents you. Try and enjoy every class, as well as every extra-curricular activity. Remember to make connections and create relationships. Because regardless of what the economy might do, whether unemployment is high, and inflation is rising, those friendships you make are going to be constant. Keep in mind that if you don't love where you are, you can't love where you are going. Have Fun!
My advice would be to take your time! There are a lot of school out there and its important to find just the right one for the student. Everyone is different so look at all your options before you decide.
Becoming an early bird, research and getting involved on campus are three major pieces of advice I can offer to students. The early bird special: Students can start preparing for college in high school by taking AP courses. I only took one AP course and regretted not taking more once I started college. AP courses push students ahead, therefore keeping them on track of graduating on time. In addition, it?s a money saver! Search and research: This is probably the most important aspect when looking for the perfect college. Making pros and cons lists, checking majors and courses available and campus visits are a plus! Students have to make sure they are comfortable on campus and can vision themselves excelling there. Join the club! Sometimes students need to take a break from the classroom and getting involved on campus is an excellent way. Clubs, organizations and sporting events allow students to be social, voice their opinions or just enjoy what college life has to offer! Finally, students need to stay focused and remember why they are there in the first place. They need to keep an open-mind, and their priorities straight, but still have fun!
Be flexible when choosing your major. No doubt you will find your passion in a class and change it. When visiting a prospective college, make sure to check out all the facilities, including dining halls, offices, and rec centers. And for students, dont be discuraged if you dont do as good as you expect the first time, theres always another semester.
Let the student decide, and don't decide based solely on how accredited a school is.
Visit the school before hand. If possible attend one of the over night sleep over orientations that the Residence Life Staff host. It gives the parents a feel for how their child will live and what they can do and it gives the prospective student a quick glance at the kind of people they can meet and what they can be apart of. Its a great and amazing oppurtunity for everyone to see if the school is the right for their child or for them. Also don't be so worried that you call everyday. Make it easier to be apart by only calling each other once a week, say sundays. That way the student can get a feel for independence and still relate to you everything that has happened the past week. It helps them not rely on the parent so much and makes them feel like you arent still trying to be the boss of them when they are trying to figure out who they are or who they want to be. Be there for your child but learn to give them space.
I believe it is critical to visit as many campuses as you can and talk with the faculty to get a feel for the overall tone of a school. But mostly, I would recommend learning about campus life, clubs and activities available, and ways to become involved in the college community, which will enable you to reach out and meet new people. Remember, this isn't high school anymore; broaden your horizons and learn new things, meet new people, and explore all your options. This is the only time in your life you will get such an opportunity to grow and become the adult you want to be. Choose a college that will challenge you academically and socially, while meeting your career goals and allowing you to dream.
Find something thats far enough away that you wont have very much contact with family but not so far away you never see them. Also remember everyschool has underlying fees for everything. Usually the bigger the school the bigger the fees.
Find a college that suits your needs and expectations for your degree. Figure out the type of weather and climate that works the best for the new student, where they would be happy and not going to ruin the experience of the college.