The best thing about CSU is the location and the environment that the school gives off. Fort Collins is so envolved with the campus and everyone seems to love having college students in the town. Also, CSU gives off a welcoming feel and the campus is very laid back. The biggest controversy on the campus was an editorial about President Bush. It stirred up a lot of emotions and, a lot of people wanted the Editor to be fired. I would say there is not a ton of school pride. However, it is kind of hard to have school spirit when you have the worst basketball team in the nation and one of the worst football teams in the nation as well. One complaint that I hear from students is regarding parking. Students find that they buy parking passes and cannot find spaces and then have to park off campus, basically wasting the money they spent in the first place.
After growing up in ft collins i think csu would be considered a college in the town. I lived 4 miles from where i do now at the dorms and its a whole different world living on campus. Its awesome, its always busy there's people all over, its just a great atmosphere.
only complaints i have are r.a.'s are stupid ha
The best thing about CSU is probably all the different people. I love getting to know people and there are so many opportunities to reach out and really find out where you can best fit in. One thing I would change is parking!! I have to leave about half an hour before class just to look for a spot and even if I did have a parking pass.. there are limited spots. It's probably one of the most frustrating things about CSU. The size of the school is perfect for me. I spend most of my time at the LSC. I'm undelared right now so my classes are all over, so it's nice to have some consistancy with the LSC and always going there between classes to check email or grab lunch or meet friends... sometimes even take a nap! The biggest controversy is definitely the FUCK BUSH editorial. CSU got a lot of attention, but will all controveries its nearly forgotten.. which makes me think if all those protesters and people that claimed to be so offened really were. I'd be suprised if they even remembered it.
The school size is not too big or small. It is cool to walk across campus and always bump into some one that you know. I spend most of my time on campus in Rockwell Lab, or the LSC as it is a great place to hang out or study etween class. It is a huge college town here, and the whole city caters to us. Coupons and discounts, stores employ us or are managed by our alums, it is pretty sweet.
I'd change the support behind ASCSU on campus. It's really sad how little support they receive and they really have a lot of control over the future of the students. When I tell people I go to CSU they are pretty apathetic--it's a school that isn't anything special and doesn't have a very large reputation.
Fort Collins is an awesome city as well. The night life is good. There are plenty of places that you can live, although it is a bit more expensive than surrounding towns. The biggest student complaints about the school seem to be related to parking (especially tickets) and how spread out the campus is. 10 minutes often isn't enough time to get between classes when they are on opposite sides of campus.
School Pride- I think that it is a mixed bag at CSU. Some individuals have a lot of school pride where others seem to not care one bit. In the sport area a lot of students do not go to the games and cher on their teams. At my last college that would have been considered unacceptable. Not only did all the students go or watch the games but the alumni would park outside the stadium and watch the game on TVs. I miss the school spirit, and it is not a big thing here. Most people are embarrased by CSU and I think that it is sad.
I really enjoy CSU and think it is a great school. I spend most of my time just hanging out with friends from either my house or Delta Sigma Pi. I love the town of Fort Collins. Old town has a great family feel and the rest of the town is clean and kept up to date. The last major controversy was the Chief Editor of The Collegian publishing the 'F' word on the front page. This was a huge risk to take- expressing his own opinions in the paper. I believe in freedom of speech but this was taking it too far. Obsenities in a public newspaper are not ok.
I spend most of my time in Rockwell, the College of Business. I have lots of group projects to work on, and the computer lab and facilities are nice. It's almost like a community because I usually run into people that I know when I'm down in the computer lab.
What is the best thing about CSU? I would say the convience of all the sources available on campus. There are many things to do such as workout, shop at the bookstore, buy supplies, get your hair done, buy flowers, many places to eat, etc.
Is your school too large, too small, or just right? I think it is just right
How do people act when you tell them you go to CSU? I dont really get a positive or negative reaction, but people act very interested and ask what my major is, if i like it, how far along are you? etc.....