Cornell University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Cornell University? Why?


The location. I love the college-town setting, but wish that our campus was a bit closer to a big city; given that at times campus can feel suffocating.


Weather. It's always either raining or snowing. It's beautiful in the summer but no one's there for the summer. It's also in the middle of no where.


There are seven undergraduate schools, and it is difficult to take classes outside of the school you are in. I am interested in taking classes in the art and architecture field, but it is nearly impossible for me to enroll in these classes because I am in the school of Arts and Sciences.


Campus housing availability. After freshman year many students have to live off campus.


The weather and the pressure to do well academically. People are obsessed about their GPAs.


Cornell has two main extremes of people: the privileged trust fund legacies, and the introverted, antisocial nerds. There are a few people in between, but not many. Snobs abound here.




There's very little to do. Ithaca has no fun areas to visit...almost feel isolated


That it costs so much. You do get a lot for your money but sometimes I feel that I could be just as well off at a state school where I would be paying a fraction of the price I pay to go to Cornell.


doesn't focus enough on vollunteering or the liberal arts