The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Corning Community College is 100%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
I would tell myself to be ready to take care of myself. I would tell myself that college is different from high school. There is a big difference in homework and studying. You better listen there is not enough time to goof around in class. Every class is imporant no matter what the it is. Classes equal money and its your money and you need to grow up and take this seriously because you should do what you need to. Without concentration and a good work ethic and an idea of what I would like to do with my life it will be callegning to focus on what must be done. I would like to let myself know that while things happened in high school life happens in college and while you are atteneding college. Lives can change in 4 or even 2 years and its ok to make mistakes but do not give up. This is worth all the trouble that it takes because it will change your future for the better. I would like to tell myself that it is just like a softball game every inning , every swing, every play can change the outcome and future.
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Describe the students at your school.
The school is filled with students of all ages from around the area. Most of the student population is friendly and welcoming to anyone. Although most are from around the southern tier, there are quite a bit of students from NYC, from out of state, and a few from other countries.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
There's a ton of clubs, but not many of them seem too filled as most students are busy outside of classes working part time jobs. There isn't too much to do around here for college students (bigger cities are about 2-5 hours away). If you were from out of state, like myself, then you'd probably meet your friends on campus or a part time job.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The most frustrating thing about my school is that it's on a hill. When the whether gets bad, getting to school can be a life-threatening endeavor. Once this year the hill has taken a student's life, and with how brutal the winter has been, everyone is on their toes. Education is important, but safety should be everyone's first factor. If your college is in a treacherous place and you're not sure you can get there safely due to weather, don't go!
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
Corning Community College (CCC) is a great place to get an affordable education. However, if you have the money I would suggest going elsewhere because the school does no offer the "college experience" that everyone seems to be after. If you are like me, and you are not made of money or have rich parents then you will find CCC to be a great place for you.
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What's unique about your campus?
The fact that everyone is nice, and comforting is the best thing about my school. It's not too scary for starting out at a community college.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
Poor people that are in 13th and 14th grade. This is true for some but not most. Most people are here because community colleges offer the same classes that would be given at a 4-year school for a tenth of the cost. These people don't care about the typical "American Pie" college life.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
When I tell my friends about my school I mostly brag about the teachers and how well they work one on one with the students if the students need help; they make themselves easy to get a hold of and are always willing to take time for the students.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Corning Community College is a school that allows students to easily find their way around and it has amazing scenery for stydents when they get out of class and wait for the other one to being.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
I personally believe the school is best known for the welcoming staff. Most teachers are able to learn names at a quick pace and they are friendly. Even staff that do no work as professors do almost anything to interact with students and make them feel welcome in college. Also, due to the class sizes being small it is great for students just exitting high school.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Academics at the school are spread along a spectrum. One must remember that it is a community college and thus, everyone is welcome to try. You will get a mix of non competitive students and non competitive students that will balance out a class. The most competitive program at the school is the nursing program as there are limited spots and it runs through the summer and winter terms. As a Liberal Arts Math and Science transfer program student, I have found that the general education courses are more mixed with motivated and unmotivated students. Professors are almost always available outside of class to advise and help out with any questions you may have.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I was fully away of everything that the school had to offer. I visited this school many times previous to attending. I do wish I would have known that living on campus declines you from doing anything during the week that is not only about school if you do not have a car because it is located on top of a hill.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
A prospective student should want to attend a school where the amount of effort they put into their college experience is directly porportionate to the amount of satisfaction they receive. It's a smaller sized school where, by stepping up and being proactive, one can become a big influence on campus. Whether it is participation in extracirricular activities or extra effort in the classroom, it is easy to be noticed by others.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
No one should attend college simply because their parents want them to attend. If you have no desire to attend college, be it Corning Community College or Harvard, do not waste your time and the time of the faculty and staff. College is a much bigger commitment than highschool.
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