Queens College students get a great education. Most college professors are passionate about teaching their subject and are available during office hours. Many professors are also willing to allow students to do research with them.
Whether or not the professors know your name really depends on you. If you take an active interest in the subject, introduce yourself, ask the professor questions and go to his/her office hours then he/she will know your name for the semester. After that, he/she will if you keep in touch. If not, there are so many new faces and names every semester for most professors that it's unlikely he/she will remember your name.
I have too many favorite classes to name them all individually. A few of my favorites are PSCI 102 (Political Controversies), Music 68 (Gamelan / Balinese Ensemble), Spanish 203, Dance 255 (Intro to Dance Therapy), Psych 101, and Philosophy 104 (Intro to Ethics). The common factor between all of these classes is they were smallish (10-40 students) and I am still in touch with all of the teachers, who were fantastic. I also made friends in those classes that I still get together with.
The school has a huge, amazing library where students study all the time. Students definitely have intellectual conversations outside of class. They participate more in slightly upper level classes - some of the 101s and general education requirements are classes that some people don't care about or want to be in. Depends on the luck of the draw a lot of the time.
I'm a Psychology major. The Psych department is on the 3rd floor of the Science Building, which is sort of annoying. The professors are great, but it can be difficult to get into the classes you need sometimes if you don't jump on it during preregistration. The Psych major is one of the most popular ones in the school, and the required experimental psych labs have only a certain number of seats.
The school has a helpful Office of Career Development and Study Abroad Office. There are so many resources at Queens College, including the Writing Center where I work. The school is really a place to succeed.
I am a student in the TIME 2000 Program at QC, which is a mathematics teaching scholarship program. During my freshman year in the program, I was already in the field observing middle and high school mathematics classes. Once every month, we attend mathematics seminars and twice each year we attend mathematics conferences. The classes that we are enrolled in through this program are typically small, some only containing 12 students. The professors always make time to know your name and are always willing to offer help for any student who needs it. This program is close-knit, with a great support system. I study and work with many of my fellow classmates after school. This is not the case for all classes at QC. Lecture hall classes are more impersonal, but if you make an effort to know the professors, they will make the effort to know and help you. Last semester I began taking Irish 101, learning the Irish language. Very few schools offer this course and I am lucky to be learning a language that so few people still speak. Although I know more about the mathematics education courses, I also happen to know many students in the Aaron Copland School of Music and the Macaulay Honors Program at QC. Both are very extensive programs, but provide such an insightful education. The Music Program, especially with Music Education, focuses on providing a strong music theory education for prospective music teachers. These programs, as well as TIME 2000, offer scholarships, as well as an education that will prepare you for your future career.
Most professors try their best to learn your name. Professors are always willing to stay after class and answer any questions. Students are competitive with one another, which is the key to success, I believe. There is this very unique program called, "Business and Liberal Arts." It is an Honors Program for those interested to minor in Business. Even for those who are interested in picking a minor and combining their major with this program. I was not interested in Business until I started taking these "BALA" classes. All of my friends enjoy them. I am sure you would too!
people work really hard,most of the professors are friendly and generous.
people work really hard,most of the professors are friendly and generous.