CUNY Queens College Top Questions

What are the academics like at CUNY Queens College?


One of the things I really like about classes is the size of the classroom in relation to class participation. Participation is up to you. So if you are in a large classroom and you don't participate then the professor is not likely to know your name. I have lecture hall classrooms (100 people) and I participate a decent amount to the point that the professors know my name and I like that. Its not like there is a "teacher's pet," but I've found that professors really take note of- and appreciate- student participation. Students often have intellectual conversations outside of class- sometimes about class but sometimes not. I often overhear people telling their friend's about a class that they are taking out of genuine interest. I don't tend to spend a lot of time with my professors outside of class, but I do often e-mail them if I have a question or comment about the lesson. I'm rather pleased with the school's academic requirements (PLAs), it seems to encompass many different fields of information that I probably would not have bothered to look into had I not been told it was required. But I'm so glad that the requirements are what they are because some of my best classes have been the ones that I wouldn't have taken otherwise.


I'm a political science major, so I take a lot of classes in that department. It happens to be a pretty strong department, with energetic and brilliant professors who care about their students and like promoting intellectual discussion within the classroom, in office hours, and beyond. In political science classes, participation is common, as the students all feel strongly about the subjects being taught. This is true of other disciplines as well. Queens also hopes that students will broaden horizons while at college, so students have various requirements. One of my favorite classes was originally taken to just fill a requirement. This class was Introduction to Acting. Not only was it motivating, entertaining, and quite a stress reliever, it also helped to build public speaking abilities. Another one of my favorite classes was Business Writing, which I found extraordinarily useful and practical. Assignments included writing memos to "bosses" about certain newspaper articles, writing cover letters, resumes, business e-mails, and more. Fortunately, I have thoroughly enjoyed every class I have taken at QC - maybe this is because all of the professors and their classes are great - and maybe this is because I am diligent about checking teacher evaluations! Either way, there are enough good teachers to have gotten me to junior year without any bad experiences, and I think that says something.


I want to be challenged a lot more in my general education classes. I want there to be more research projects and more outside the classroom hands-on studies. the classes and discussions are phenomenal in the classroom, but I want to go outside the classroom and learn more about how one can apply what we learn in the classroom to world outside the educational context. As for my departmental classes, I could not ask for a better program than the ones provided here at Queens College. The teachers spend time outside of the classroom to help, and most of the faculty care about our education.


because of the small class size (with the exception of some freshman classes), many professors quickly learn their students' names. my favorite classes happened to be anthro 101 with professor folch and british literature with professor walkden. these teachers were so inspiring and so passionate about what they teach that it just motivated me even more to be a teacher. english has never been this intensive in my life, and i truly love it - the faculty at queens really knows what it's doing.


Students are pretty serious and do often study. An Honors Seminar on Dreams is the most unique class I have taken. The English dept is awesome!!! and there are a lot of english majors. I think the education is geared towards learning for the sake of learning.


All of my Prof/ know my name, but I always go to class and activlly participate! I love my poli. sci. classes & my jewish studies classes. The poli. sci. department as a whole i dont really like. They are too liberal for me & i feel the prof. have 1 sided views. Besides that I enjoy my classes and my time spent at queens.


once you declare your major, professors know you much better. in the lecture halls the professors do nto know u at all.


professors dont know my name. my fav class is art studio ad sociology. least favorite anthropology. students study very frequenthly. class participation is very common, we can talk as express ourselves. no intellectual conversation outside the class. unique class sociology and art history. i dont spend time with my professors outside class.


Some classes are small and others are large. depends on whethe ru want the teacher to know ur name, so sometimes a lecture hall is the best place for favorite class is costume design, its a step away from having to take boring unnecessary requirement classes. i guess students are competative but not really everyone helps eachother out most of the time. Sometimes schools are really hard on making u take courses for ur future, for a job and u forget that schools also about just learning. I think QC can gear u towards a career but also open up your mind to new things


I've had a lot of great professors so I really can't complain, although some people may. Quite a few professirs know me by name which can be good and can be bad. My favorite classes would have to be my calculus and comparative lit classes. Class participation isn't always common but once one person starts others join in. I'm a math major and the professor and those who work in the dept. have been really helpful and I can't complain too much about the job they do. Some professors are better than others. I'm not the type to see professors outside the classroom but most of them make themselves readily available to you. I'm more of an email person and they respond to you fairly quickly. I think the requires at Queens make you a well rounded student and person. YOu get to try out a little bit of everything. Which is why I think Queens is geared to learning for its own sake. I feel it helped foster a love of learning in me and not just get a degree so I can get out and get a job.