i have been in the school on and off for two years and i have never had a bad teacher. which is amazing.
The academics at QC are very involved. Many students seem to participate in most of my classes and many students get together for study sessions in the library every day.
The requirements at QC can sometimes be a little confusing. In order to graduate you need to have completed 120 credits as wells as the LASARS (Liberal Arts and Sciences Requriements). The good thing is that many classes fulfill more than 1 requirement, and most of them are really interesting. The reason for the LASARS is that they want their students to be well rounded, taking language classes, lab science classes, music classes, and phys. ed. classes. There are so many choices that you will be hard pressed to find someone who has taken the exact same classes as you.
I have a hard time actually deciding which class is my favorite. It seems that every semester I have a new favorite class. This semester I'm taking transitions to democracy for my political science minor. It seems as if everyone knows everyone else in this class. Discussions are fun. We're a little behind on the sylabus, but that doesn't really matter because even when we go off on a tangent, we're still learning.
I don't want you to think that every class is amazing because they aren't. My least favorite class was Psycholohy 232 Personality. I am a psych major, and there are a certain amount of psych electives that you have to take to get your degree. I figured this would be an interesting class, but it wasn't. Maybe if the class was taught by a better professor, who actually cared about her students (instead of getting her grad school requirements taken care of) it would have been more enlightening. The class average on the final was a 56 (thankfully I passed with a 74). Most classes, thankfully are not like this, and most of the professors do care.
Honors Programs and remedial programs. the whole spectrum.
Most of my professors do make an effort to know my name, unless it is a huge lecture hall. i feel that the requirements at queens college are up to par. class participation at school seems uncommon, most people are not willing to share their opinions and views.
My favorite class at Queens College was my seminar for political science. Professor Rollins was just such a down to earth kind of guy. He was funny, serious, informative and friendly all at the same time. There are students who compete for the teachers attention, who always go that extra step in the classroom and there are also the students who fall asleep in the back of the room, or go on their laptop writing "notes" (a.k.a checking facebook), but there is a level for everyone. My least favorite class was economics. The teacher could not speak English that well, and you can't really learn if you don't understand the subject or the person who is teaching it!
overall the academics are very good. most of the classes i've taken aren't too difficult and you walk away having learned something. the professors are pretty helpful for the most part. the class sizes start out pretty large but get smaller as you advance in your major. the school is right near manhattan which is really gives a lot of options for internships.
Its up to the student whether the professor knows your name. Favorite class is the ones applying to my major, least favorite are mathematics and science.
It's hard to explain the academics at QC because every class is different. Depending on the subject of the class the class size varies. Which in turn results in whether or not the teacher knows your name, can appropriately help you and so on. I believe that as a student moves further into their major, the class become more personal, intense and competitive.
Most classes at Queens College are small, and professors are almost always willing to meet with you outside of class. Students receive plenty of individual attention. Students should study more, but don't. Most classes and professors are reasonable, but many students are still in high-school mode. There are plenty of students engaging in intellectual conversations, but you'll have to go out and find them. Queens College educates students with the goal of learning. It's not a trade school, so it's understandable. Queens College has recently revamped its educational requirements, so it's now tougher to get into.