CUNY Queens College Top Questions

What are the academics like at CUNY Queens College?


We have a strong science department and lots of pre-med & pre-dental students. QC has a good variety academically and excels in almost every area. We have an adult continuing education department and a weekend program which both bring in a slightly older adult. We have online classes. CUNY has a great honor's program where tuition is paid for and students are pampered.


most proffs know my name favorite class history least geoloy there are some intellectual convos outside of class little competition between students most unique class i took was political science 100 with Hacker my major department is not that helpful or friendly there is no pre-registration for most history classes i do not like the academic requirements, if you know what you want to do in life than u should not have to take classes that do not have to do with your career


Commetitive, Bes International Business Program


Two professors out of 4 knows my name. My favorite class is sculpture because it hands on. And its not boring. I dont think students study that much. Class participation does not take place in 2 of my 4 classes. Students are ot very competitive. I dont spend time with the professors outside of class.


I know all of my professors names. My favorite class, all of my science and english classes. I really can not choose. I study often, most students do. Class participation does not always happen, though it should and professors do their best to get students to talk. I am a Geology and English major. I spend a lot of time talking with my professors outside of the classroom asking for advice on grad schools, GRE's and other important information pertaining to my carreer goals and direction. I think the requirements could be changed a bit. There are some classes that I feel are not that important. The most unique class I took was Natural Disasters. I enjoyed the class a lot. I have many intellectual conversations outside of the class room. Education at QC is geared both towards getting a job or establishing a career and learning for it's own sake. It is really what the student makes of it.


they have very good professors.


Classes range from >100 student seminars, usually only for basic courses, to very personal seminars. Honors students get the benefit of special attention. If you participate, if you seem engaged, the professor will always know your name. True here as I'm sure it'd be true at an Ivy League school. My experience with the faculty has been mostly positive. I have met a few amazing professors who have absolutely blown my mind. The professors run the gamut. There are some who see education as a means to achieve paradise, like it says in a quotation on one of our buildings. There are others who are awful. The problem is that most professors are adjuncts. I spend a ton of time with my professors during their office hours. Professors have always been happy to speak with me, about classwork as well as about other classes and even extracurricular life. Students aren't competitive, they're self-motivated. A Queens College student has no one to coddle them. As a first semester freshman, I took a Poli Sci class called Sexual Politics. It completely changed my worldview, and introduced me to an entirely new way of thinking. In the social sciences, professors will often cross the boundaries of major disciplines. A history professor will teach a Jewish studies course, or a linguist might teach anthropology. This has never proven difficult, but the fact is that it's left me without a particular major in mind. They're all quite vague. The facilities are mostly no-frills. We


my favorite classes will always be psychology and sociology classes, but i must say peer counseling tops them both! i once took a political science class on women and politics--i was constantly bringing up various things i learned to my friends outside the class and even outside the school-it was an amazing experience. the things i have learned at queens college have made me who i am today, it's amazing the realm of information available to you!


As previously stated, the classes big, sometimes 100 people. It is impossible, and as a matter fact, it is sometimes unheard of that a professor will even remember you being a student in his class. It's unfortunate, but that's how it is in such a small school with high amount of students. Academics differ from professors to professors. Some professors will challenge you and give you an excellent foundation towards future, while others will do everything by the book and give you just enough to go ahead. There are however those who will keep you behind, and may even destroy to dream. Of course, these types of professors exist in every single college. Queens College academic requirements are fair. Though some people might need to take additional classes in order to fulfill some requirements.


Queens College is a great community college, filled with many choices and paths in life. From Business to Art, to Geology to Urban Studies, QC has many courses to choose from.