CUNY Queens College Top Questions

What should every freshman at CUNY Queens College know before they start?


My advice to myself would be to seek help. My father died at 42 when I was 5 and my was mother mentally disturbed, so I did not have good role models around me or people who knew me well enough to guide me. I was pretty lost and confused and did not have a clear picture of what I was capable of and wanted for myself other than a way out of emotional suffering. That fact was the motivation for my chosing psychology as a major -- I had hoped to heal through intellectual knowledge. I believe that if I had some therapy early on to work through my feelings and even a little guidance as to what I liked and had naturally good propensities at, I'm certain I would have chosen an education that would have given me a niche in the world in which I would use my strengths to feel intellectually and emotionally satisfied, have a little easier time financially and hopefully use my potential to help others. It is useless to regret the past, so I stand here before you using what I have learned in the past to try and create a better future.


I have just completed my first semester at my college. There have been so many fun times and new experiences packed into a single semester that it is rather overwhelming to try and summarize the value of my college experience to date in two hundred words. While I have learned a lot from my classes, I think I have gotten the most out of my outside-of-class interactions with fellow students. I have met a lot of interesting people who are very different from me. Now, I am honored to call some of these people my friends, and my discussions with them over the course of the semester and beyond has opened me up to worlds beyond my own. I feel smarter, not just book-smarter but smarter in other ways. I feel more prepared to take on whatever challenges lie ahead, and I feel that these new friends I have made will have my back throughout those challenges. You just can't put a price tag on that.


The value of attending college is without a doubt the best choice that anyone can choose for themselves. This is the key to college in itself; that you choose it for you and nobody else. The experience will always be unique to your personal journey through discovering who you are, what you want, and what you can do. Through personal experience, it helped me grow in tremendous ways from learning organization and timing to finding out what I can accomplish if I put all my efforts in. I found out who I was from taking different classes and seeing what clicked right away; knowing that I could make a career for myself. I've met so many diverse people that share their stories with you, and when hard times fall you will know that there are others out there going through the same thing. There's people to share interests with and you learn so much from education to worldly experience. The value of knowing you can go out into the world and make a career is the greatest feeling of all though, because it's knowing your future is safe through your own hands.


Montgomery Community College is one of the top community colleges in the United States. They have highly qualified teachers, who are great in teaching. They have a variety of resources available such as the science learning center, math center, writing center etc. These resourses are very useful for a student to be successful. I have used all these services and in addition I got help from my professors which one cannot really get when one attend a big university. Montgomery College has smaller classroom sizes and as a result one can interact more with their professors. This way the professors know how the student really is and write recommendation letters based on their overall performance. Besides the great academic experience, there are also many clubs and extracurricular activities that one can be involed in. I was part of the muslim student association in which we had a convention and raised about a $1,000. One can also find jobs on campus to help them with their financial needs. In addition, they have great academic and financial aid counselors who can help you plan. Finally, they have a great transfer system to a 4-year university.


I have tried classes in different areas and figured out what I am interested in and what I'm not. I have been able to make a decision on what I would like my life after school to include and not just in the career field. Through my college experience I have also learned what kind of person I am and what types of situations both with other people and places of residence, that I function best in. I believe that college isn't just a place to go in and come out with a career. Its a place to try new things and decided what you possibly want to do and what kind of person you want to be. My college experience has helped me define who I am and know that the only person that has to be ok with that is me.


I have not only aquired the skills and knowledge I need to be a successful cosmetologist, but I have also learned how to be successful on the business side of the industry. Having the know -how to not just gain employement but too start my own business is an amazing feeling. The confidence I have gained has pushed me to strive for excellence and to run for student council and get envolved every oppertunity my school has to offer. Because of Cameo College I have set goals for myself that keep me dedicated to being successful every single day. This experience so far has brought structure, discipline, excitement, and possibilities to my life that I thought at the age of 33 years old I would never have and not only brings me a sence of security and accomplishment but is freeing. I'm prepared and ready for whatever life has to offer next!


My college experience has afforded me to meet excellent professors, friends as welll as enhancing my personal skills. As well, my degree has given me the advantage to move forward and become successful in my career.


I think I've learned a lot about different people and myself. I feel like it's the perfect way to transition from being a highschool student and my parents managing everything for me and I'm slowly but surely learning to manage my life more and more on my own. I've had many diverse professors which has helped me broaden my view of life and society.


College has been a life altering experience. It has been so in and out of the classroom. During my college experience I have made friends that will forever be close to me. In the classroom I have learned to not only do well on tests and quizes and participation, but I have learned to use the ideas and knowledge outside of the classroom and apply them to every day life. I have done so by being able to become more involved and knowledgable in the real world. I am able to be more independent rather than rely on others to get things completed. I have learned that everyone needs to have a goal or a dream and they need to do the very best they can to reach that goal. You have to believe that anything is possible as long as you set your mind up to do it and you are willing to do what it takes. College has changed my life and brought new experiences that have taught me to become and adult.


My college experience opened up doors and guides me through ideas I had in high school. I was able to become a core member at InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in my first semester there. Bringing that training into the classroom helped me to direct group projects and also a sensitivity to listen to my peers and their opinions. During the first two years of my college experience I lived away from home. Because of that I became more independent and had to juggle school work with housework and babysitting for the household I was staying with. When I moved back home for my third and fourth year I continued household duties to assist my parents and also started working for Marriott. This taught me how to juggle my time efficiently. My college experience has been ineffable and memorable.