CUNY Queens College Top Questions

What should every freshman at CUNY Queens College know before they start?


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself that college is a lot more work than you think it is. You may know that it's a lot of work, but it's really more work than that. So, you should practice music a lot more than you do now, to get a heads-up on the college work. But, in order to get all of the work done, you should use some things you learned as an Eagle Scout. Use the time management skills you learned in the Personal Management merit badge and make a schedule for a whole week that breaks down what needs to be done and a little space for free time in every day. Make this a habit, so that a little bit of everything gets done, as opposed to one or two things get done on one day, and something else gets done on another day. Make sure a little bit of everything gets done everyday. Then, your work load will be a little easier to handle.


Note to "self": How many years do you really want to spend in college? Through this journey that i have taken there are many things that come to mind for me to discuss with myself as a senior in high school. To start, i would tell myself to take as many college coarses in high school as possible; classes with transferrable credits. In my situation I did not know what i wanted to do with my life. I should have started from the beginning at a community college, taking coarses to see what would spark my interest. Very often young adults jump right into a four year college not knowing what they want to do and in the end wasting much time and money. Additionally, always stay on top of your studies and avoid being distracted by the party life; it can consume your! It is best to find the proper balance between academics and your social life. Lets face it, you are at college preparing for your career. In the end as a last and final note, always listen to your mother's advice, she's always right.


College isn't as terrifying as people make it seem. If you do what you have to do you'll be fine. You have to work to get the grades you want. Things will get difficult here and there but in the end it will be worth it. Everything is up to you. You'll meet people and you will learn alot of things. College is cool.- it's a great experience. You have to see it for yourself.


After experiencing college life for the past year, I would go back in time to when I was a high school senior and tell myself to relax and quit worrying so much. I often worried about making friends, finding my classes, and the work load that I would receive in comparison to high school. Now I don't think I should've worried so much because everything eventually falls into place. Though things may look new at first and appear challenging, our will to take on those challenges helps us overcome them. I remember my first day of college when I didn't know anyone or any building. I would carry a map with me of the college for the first few weeks to know where I was going. Many freshman, I found, did the exact same thing. I actually made quite a few friends in my first year because all other freshman were going through the same situation as myself. As time went by, things fell into place. The key was giving it time and having the courage and will to continue with what I was doing and fulfilling the goals I set for myself.


College requires a maturing process that is quick and complicated. The most important thing to take into account is the enormity of this next step in your life. Although it is important not to take things so seriously, it is just as important to know what to take seriously. The single most important thing, even more important than grades, is making connections with fellow students and professors. Learning from others is a more natural process than learning in a classroom. From this, you can excel on the campus and off, especially when it comes to job hunting and networking in the (very) near future. As a high school senior, you must realize that responsibilities are going to come your way a thousand-fold. Keep up with your responsibilities, keep your grades up, keep your spirits up and things will turnout just fine. Relax and enjoy the ride, but don't hitch hike on someone else. Learn from your own mistakes, as cliche as that sounds. Live and learn beyond what you think your potential is. School is easy; life is hard.


The advice I would give myself would be to slow it down and dont be hasty in growing up. College is a great step to take in life but the work load and responsibilites change and prepare yourself now so you will be ready to handle it all. The work can bog you down at times so plan in advance and brace yourself for the worst so you can handle your problems so you can do your best. College is about reading your own textbooks and working by yourself until you get into the classroom. Once you hear the professors interpretation of the work then you ask questions so you can clarify what youve learned on your own. The work is not only done in the classroom but also on the outside and to just try your best while not getting to stressed out and stuck inside doing work all day. Its important to have a life on the outside of school too.


College life is what you make of it. Your in control. No body tells you what to do or what classes to take. You must make all the choices. There are advisors but at the end of the day, you must make a decision about which class, group, etc your going to join.


Study more than usual. College life will be very different.


Stick to a club! That's the best way to start having a social life.


If I could go back in time and talk to myslef as a high school senior, I would advise myself not to stress the need to decide on a major so soon. College allows you to experiement and test out different areas of education and possible career choices. But it is also important to stay motivated and work hard. Don't take for granted the privilege of being able to attend college. Work to your highest potential and you will see that you will be rewarded greatly for it.