CUNY Queens College Top Questions

What should every freshman at CUNY Queens College know before they start?


I first attended Hunter College and had a horrible experience. The professors weren't understanding and I felt they didn't teach that well. I transferred to Queens College at about sixty credits into my college career with a G.P.A. of 2.7. After transferring my grades skyrocketed. The C's and below disappeared and become nothing more than grades ranging from A's to B-'s. I credit myself as well as the wonderful professors at Queens College. They understand that their students go to school as well as work and don't try to overwhelm you with assignments, but they definitely expect you to put your best foot forward and complete everything they ask of you. My college experience was so much better after transferring due to my commute time being cut in half because the school is in a residential area and I could drive there, the education I recieved was more fitting, the campus is beautiful in the summer, spring, and fall, the student body is diverse, and I prospered.


My college experience has helped me learn about myself. It helped me understand what I want out of life and what I want to contribute to the world. It has helped me realize my advantages and disadvanteges so that I now know what characteristics to use when I start my career. It has also helped introduce me to many different lifestlyes so that I now know which one I feel will make me happy, Going to college has been a vaulable experience for me because I now see the world and my place in it, in a whole new light.


As a shy girl of seventeen coming from a small private high school, Queens College can be quite intimidating. The sheer volume and diversity of people is overwhelming and needless to say, I was initially overwhelmed. Yet, in my first semester I discovered that the wonder of Queens College stems from this very same feature. Our demographic composition, both faculty and student, is so varied that it is truly unique among other universities. So while my traditional education was truly phenomenal, I believe that my social education beyond the classroom has been most enlightening. Between my professors and fellow students I have found intrigue and motivation to press my ambitions beyond convention and pursue unique interests within the classroom and in my personal life as well. Moreover, I have come to genuinely appreciate the opportunities given to me and even further, I have learned the distinct value of forging a course for oneself. I credit the flexibility and open academic environment of Queens College with this aspect of my education, and I firmly believe that beyond knowledge my time in college has educated me to become a conscientious citizen of the world and for this I am truly grateful.


I would need to learn how not to procrastinate. That is my weakeness and if i was able to return to time, I would learn how to deal with it and plan things ahead of time.


I was extremely excited going into college. I wanted to play sports, meet a lot of different people, and come out of college with a well paying job. Unfortunately, I chose the wrong school. I did not do enough research on what type of campus I would enjoy and my first and second year of college was not enjoyable. For my Junior year of college I am going to transfer from the school I am in now to more of city type and a much better way for students to be involed and make friends easier. If I had to go back to my senior year of high school I would of done much more research on schools that are for me. Unfortunately I can't go back and only change for the better of my future and that is what I plan too do. Of course with the help of Scholoarships.


If I were to go back in time to my senior year I would not have not changed as many things I thought I would. Maybe I would have changed more things from when I was a junior or a sophomore in high school, like study harder for the ?SATs? or take my foreign language class more seriously. I was in a school with a total of four hundred students in all four grades, which allowed everyone to be really close. As a high student I saw this as an amazing advantage because we all worked together and most of us ended up going to almost the same schools. However this family experience did not really get me ready for college. In college you need to be more independent, because your most likely aren?t going to be in the same classes as your friends and sometimes you won?t even make friends in a class with three hundreds students.


If i could give myself advice, i would advise that I take more "College Now" courses, which are desgined to help prepare a student for college. I would also advise that i participate in several hours of community service, because college offices, and scholarship applications look for students that have community service. In addition, I would advise that I maintain good grades, and strive for the highest Grade Point i could achieve. I would advise myself to focus on something that I enjoy doing, and choose a career based on my interest. I would encourage myself to be open towards meeting new people from various ethnic backgrounds, because I could learn many things on different situations. Lastly, I would advise myself to prepare for college early. I would encourage myself to have knowledge about the college I wanted to attend, and perhaps take a visit to the campus, to see if it best suits my needs. Whether it be a rural or urban environment.


If I could go back and talk to myself I would tell myself to take a year off, see what the real world is like, get a job and then decide what the best path is. I would also tell myself that once I did decide to go to school, to work hard at maintaining my friendships because they are vital to surviving college. I would also say, "pick up a book & study." Make the time and learn to prioritize because it is possible to have lots of fun and do well in class. Speak up if there are problems and you find yourself struggling academically or personally. Get help before everything spirals out of control. Romance is wonderful but do not let a guy become your world. Have a life away from him. Finally, try different things. Experience as much as you can because when you're older, you have more responsibilities and less time for fun & exploration. Take it all in, have fun, make good friends and, for goodness sakes, STUDY!!!!


I would have told myself to at least go to school part time while I was working, as I had not had any parental assistance in paying for tuition and had to go to work immediately after finishing highschool, therefore being set back a few years of my life. If I had at least taken one or two classes at night, I would have at least been a few credits ahead of where I am now. I would have also told myself to complete the courses required for my major first because many of them have prerequisites that must be completed before you are aloud to continue on to the next courses. I made the mistake of completing most of my general requirements first and only a few classes required for my major, and I almost created myself a problem where I may of not been able to schedule as many classes as I would have liked on my program, in order to expedite my graduation date. I would have comforted myself by saying "Some things can be avoided by structured and thorough planning, but some things will remain unforseen and unavoidable and they can only be learned through experience."


The transition from a high school senior to a college freshman can be a difficult process. If I were able to go back in time and talk to myself I would inform my high school self of the importance of joining clubs and being socially involved. Social activities help to make the transition a little easier ,because students are able to interact with one another therefore meeting new people. I would also say "Do Not Procrastinate" putting work off until the last minute leads to unwanted stress and can even cause one to do work that is not up to their potential. Having decipline while in College is necessary. While it may be exciting to attend the fraternity parties and football games being able to manage and balance time between work and play is a MUST. Remember you are there to get a degree.