Davidson College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Davidson College accurate?


Well, we never leave the library and there's certainly a lot of nerdiness, but the less-nerdy half certainly drinks, and HARD.


Obviously not. It would be impossible to apply ONE stereotype to one thousand seven hundred individuals.


nerdy? yep... but we do embrace diversity


Stereotypes exist for a reason and there are always exceptions to the rule but if I had to describe a typical Davidson student they would come pretty close to the stereotype.


Yes to an extent. Every student works very hard, only a few end up playing hard.


As a liberal, I have never once felt belittled by anyone because of my political views. In fact, having gone to an overwhelmingly liberal school, I find it interesting to be in a more heterogeneous atmosphere. Discussions are not as interesting if there is no one to offer an alternate view. While the liberals on campus might be a little less common they still are very present and Obama ’08 banners can be seen in students’ windows as well as professors’ offices.


kind of- we are all conscientious students, but we care about a lot more than academics.


There is certainly a contingent of studets who fit that stereotype. But there are a lot of people (like me!) who aren't like that. I do wish that we had more socioeconomic diversity.


Not entirely. Davidsonians tend to be pretty wholesome but we have a bigger range of people than one might expect for such a small school. There are a lot more public displays of studying than affection but most students find the time to enjoy themselves in school and beyond school.


Like every school, there are bad weeks when every professor decides to have deadlines. But students at Davidson know how to have fun! Everyone is involved in some aspect of campus life.