Davidson College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Davidson College accurate?


We are all driven, serious students, but we still have a lot of fun and the diversity on campus is one of the big issues right now. There is a big push to recruit people of all cultural and socio-economic backgrounds.


no, it should be "Work hard, play hard. . . sometimes" the trustees ARE awesome


Davidson is very homogenous, both with regards to race and religion. However, the school is very serious about bringing in more diverse students and faculty.


Nerds-absolutely rich kids- some times but not that bad social awkwardness- yes


Somewhat. The ultra conservative Christians prescence is not felt on this campus as much as I expected it to be; in fact, Davidson is a pretty moderate campus in general. While there are a lot of preppy people on campus, there are plenty who don't fit that mold.


false. there is always plenty going on, and we're all smart, but not nerds.




To a point. Most Davidson students are very driven, but they also party really hard, especially on the weekend, almost as a reward for working so hard. I still don't know everyone in my class and I'm a senior.


Yes, I think I'm pretty smart.


While Davidson students are highly intelligent and very diligent about their work, we also know how to have fun. The library and studying are for weekdays; weekends are an entirely different story.